Official Off Topic Thread

I like the second one a little better. It doesn't look as squished and the names are a little less blurry.

How do you make those? They are pretty cool.

Eh, combination of photoshop and mspaint. That is due to the lowering of quality when i resize an image. I'll have to fix it as I am a perfectionist sometimes.
"Only with regular occurance will your chances be reduced, so I encourage all women out there to make fellatio an important part of their daily routine," said Dr. Helena Shifteer, one of the researchers at the University. "Since the emergence of the research, I try to fellate at least once every other night to reduce my chances."

OMG! She's one of the researchers!
aw man, the 'updates' got closed right before i blasted agx with why his little rantings are an invalid form of proper debate :lol:
ok, so why, then...if this is the off-topic thread, then that would be "Off-topic"...

Unless you think that is immature enough to get THIS thread closed...

I was simply voicing my opinion...
oh man, i think i need assisted breathing after reading that one.

cause of death: laughter.

edit: clarifying- i posted that at the same time he did. it was intended for the whole forum, not as a reply to agx. i'm just really psyched to see them and i got my ticket in front of me. it's retarded because it only says "The Haunted" on it. :(