Official Off Topic Thread

I'll play bass. And if you were to seriously do this, i'd seriously play bass. and tour. Circular headbang the whole time.

even if it were prog good of a cause as it is, I wouldn't want you to have to play t3h ub3r gh3y p0rg m3t4l just because this is the most amazing idea conceived by man.

That being said....of course I'm serious. What's this "if" bullshit, eh??!
so I heard one of the coolest covers ever - Vital Remains covering Disciples of Hell by Yngwie Malmsteen. Hearing Glenn Benton belch out those horribly written lyrics is absolutely hilarious, and their guitarist tears some shit up too, totally doing it justice.
I don't want to go to work tonight; I got spoiled by my 4 day weekend. Not that it was an enjoyable 2 extra days off, being that they were due to my wrist getting pinned between two large shipping containers at work Tuesday night, but they were work-less days all the same.

What do ye do Jax?
sorry to change topics so abruptly in the Off topic thread, but.....

A very important thing was brought to the forefront of my mind as the result of a recent convesation with someone. Does anyone remember the SNES game, Shaq-fu? I downloaded the rom for my computer a month ago just for shits and giggles. For those who aren't familar, the premise of the game is that Shaq (note: Shaquille O'neil, famous basketball player) is walking home from a game late at night (as i'm sure he often does) through the hood and falls into a portal to another dimension where he fights demons. If that isn't a brilliant concept, I don't know what is. If it were done as a concept album, it basically writes itself...I may even jump on that before someone else takes it.

That sounds Brilliant!
So, my rather nice weekend of cleaning and drinking good beer was ruined yesterday when I found my car had been ransacked. In my fucking driveway even. Assholes. Took my golf clubs (and everything else in my bag including shoes), a handful of CDs (DT and Kamelot, but left the SymX digipak - go figure), radar detector, and who knows what else. I was, no, I am still pissed to hell. That's my shit, not yours.

Oh well, I'll have to see what the insurance company says. Looks like close to $1000 in value. I will find them. Then I will tear off their legs.
^that sucks dude. Hopefully karma will kick in and they'll get aids or something.

fuckin' idiots at my school....they finally send me my verification of enrollment letter, which I should have gotten at LEAST 6 days ago, so I can get the rest of my student loans, but they "forgot" (their words, not mine) to put me down in the system for my full 17 credits so the letter only has me down for 10 which only adds up to part-time enrollment. Now I'm probably going to have to wait another 12 days for the updated letter, which is going to make it take even longer to get my loan money:mad: I hate my school's administration. o_O (<---just because it, in no way whatsoever, expresses the sentiment of this post)
wow, that sucks... on the subject of annoyance my thumb nail got ripped right off... :heh: yes, the ultra hard classical guitar picking thumb nail... :mad:

Fuck! :O

I remember in my young years, jamming my thumb in a door or some shit, and the nail falling out... pain... moreso the pain of the injury rather than the nail loss, but the amount of thumb-crushing required to cause that, well, you can imagine what it feels like to someone who is about 6-7. :p
Ow, that sucks. I had the nail come off my big toe after playing a monster soccer tournament all weekend. I guess my boots shrunk and my toenail was pressing against the end of the boot. After four matches, it hurt pretty bad and two days later the whole nail came off. It took like four months to grow back.

I would imagine the thumb would hurt like hell.

Thanks for the car wishes. I figure it was some meth addict looking to scrum some cash. Fucker even took my small change from my ash tray. Nice he/she could help their self to my belongings. I will use their legs as my new golf clubs. After I beat them thoroughly with the stumps, that is.
That fucking sucks ABQ, i would want to kill them if that happened to me, Im with J-Dubya, !!!!!!!!!DEATH TO THIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!, In other news, ive just seen transformers and ive gotta say its just so damn amazing, im at a loss for words as to how much i loved it.
I had to rofl a bit, the last 6 of 9 posts have used "that sucks" or a variation of it. Use something original!

"I definitely sense the immense pain that you must go through with your epicly savage ransacking episode/nail loss/beandip annihilation and I hope you can remedy the situation for the future".

That's how it should be. Think, people!