Official Off Topic Thread

So, my rather nice weekend of cleaning and drinking good beer was ruined yesterday when I found my car had been ransacked. In my fucking driveway even. Assholes. Took my golf clubs (and everything else in my bag including shoes), a handful of CDs (DT and Kamelot, but left the SymX digipak - go figure), radar detector, and who knows what else. I was, no, I am still pissed to hell. That's my shit, not yours.

Oh well, I'll have to see what the insurance company says. Looks like close to $1000 in value. I will find them. Then I will tear off their legs.
That sucks!!

My grandmother (who is 90) had her house broken into not that long ago, and the bastards took her tv, vcr, ransacked the house, then drove off in her car!! The cops found the car a couple of days later, with no damage done to it, but the sleeping bag that was in the boot was taken... it was old so didn't really matter. Turns out it was the prick who lived across the road from her, so he's been charged and moved to another town.
I had to rofl a bit, the last 6 of 9 posts have used "that sucks" or a variation of it. Use something original!

"I definitely sense the immense pain that you must go through with your epicly savage ransacking episode/nail loss/beandip annihilation and I hope you can remedy the situation for the future".

That's how it should be. Think, people!

The voice of experience, perhaps?
Sorry to hear that hun. That's really crap *big hugs*

Shit, does that mean you'll have to drive at the speed limit too? Dude, that's rough! ;)

Seriously, hope you get things sorted soon! *more hugs*


Thanks, Vicky. Speed limits around here are fairly reasonable. I haven't had to use the detector since '95-ish when they raised the limits on the freeways to 75 mph (120 kph). I think in Texas they've even raised it to 80 mph.

But, it is still something that didn't belong to them, and they should be cursed for taking it.
I think pain of salvation is loved in these parts:worship: , Daniel also seems to be a very down to earth guy as well as the best singer on the planet:worship: :worship:

Yeah right. Gildenow ruins PoS's albums IMO, and even if they had a competent singer they would still be incredibly average.