Official Off Topic Thread


So anyway, i went to see finntroll last night. Pretty good show, i wasn't as blown away as some people were. I would have rather seen Wilska's fat ass behind the mic, but what are you gonna do? Also, best part of the nigth was when this exchange went down:

"Ok, we're going to play something a bit older now..."
Me: "Jaktens Tid!!!"
Some random douche: "Jaktens Tid is an album!"
Me: "It's also a song dumbass!"
"Here's... JAKTENS TID!!!"

hah, fuck that guy, I won.

Oh man, you pwnd him so hard.
It's the one on the left.

Funny story. One time in epic chat harris was going on about this girl he liked and linked to a pic and said "she's the one on the left" but he linked to the wrong one, so instead it looks like harris is playing street fighter* to some dude (note: gender is still under debate) with downs syndrome or some shit. The end.

*"Playing Street Fighter": Another term for masturbation, also known as fapping or "listening to Broken".
So it's just some random dude? Hahahahaha

Anyway I just had the best moment this week right now... Or no.. that was eating like 5 kanelbullar/cinnamon buns earlier today.. but anyway I just had one of those "Oh crap, it's Thursday tomorrow.. weekend is so far off... Noooo, wait a minute! It's Friday tomorrow! wohohohowewewewewew"-moments. Great times.
So i thought i'd share the most productive thing i've done today:

We played a gig last night. The headline band drove 4 hours to be there. They got there and there weren't many people around so they asked the owner if they could swap with us and play second instead of 3rd. We told the owner we'd prefer to stay second. He told them that we didn't want to swap. They packed up their shit and drove home. :lol:
man, i really hope they record it for a dvd... that would be sweet! :D

I'm really hoping so. I figure they'll either:

A) release it through magna carta and finish their contract with them (not sure if they owe them another release after "spontaneous combustion" comes out this month or not)

B) release it through ytsejam records

C) have Mike release it through his website like he's done with all his tribute bands

D) just tell everyone who isn't at the show that they are sorry about their shitty luck and to fuck off