Official Off Topic Thread

so I've got a conducting test tomorrow (the kind of conducting where a musical ensemble is involved....the the train-operating kind).

I'm thinking about walking in and saying, "am I supposed to conduct with my penis?"

FG reference for the ill-informed....don't want anyone to think I'm some weirdo
I'm really hoping so. I figure they'll either:

A) release it through magna carta and finish their contract with them (not sure if they owe them another release after "spontaneous combustion" comes out this month or not)

B) release it through ytsejam records

C) have Mike release it through his website like he's done with all his tribute bands

D) just tell everyone who isn't at the show that they are sorry about their shitty luck and to fuck off

however they do it, hopefully they'll do it properly, no bootleg quality stuff, I want Score quality or better... :heh:

And yeah, hopefully it'll be easily available here in Aus...
Taliwakker said:
We played a gig last night. The headline band drove 4 hours to be there. They got there and there weren't many people around so they asked the owner if they could swap with us and play second instead of 3rd. We told the owner we'd prefer to stay second. He told them that we didn't want to swap. They packed up their shit and drove home. :lol:

when you guys branching out into Melbourne?
Hi guys. Getting ready for work again. I'm ahead of schedule by about 5 hours Central time. All dressed down (weekend, after all)--will be handling calls for United in a Kamelot t-shirt and black jeans. Hahaha.

Some caller last night was worrying about how to tour O'Hare airport for her elementary school kids. So she called us. And a new agent passed the call to me because the woman was already irate. Good thing that call went well. :)
is that supposed to be a "hot" woman? return of critical kenneth, the master of the universe, all things, and infalliable argument because apparently my opinions are treated and argued against as if fact!

anyway: tits look fake, not to mention about 3 times over too large. you'd have to have massive hands to make use of that. and in 10 years those will be so saggy and... i'll save you the mental image. oh right, she also looks anorexic, and the shaved crotch is really unappealing in the "i'm 32, but i am trying oh so hard to look 16" sense. don't even get me started on the thong, the blonde hair, or the dainty pink nails. but the real kicker? her face is so ugly i'd rather lick a rock. too much makeup, sunken eyes (probably from alcohol abuse and excessive "partying" with her ho friends) and oh yeah, the "i go to the tanning salon weekly to get my dose of skin cancer" complexion.

society finds this attractive? extinction awaits the majority then. give me a real woman any time