Official Off Topic Thread

The Yankees lost! Yes!

On a normal day, I would arrive into work and send an e-mail to one of my two best friends glorifying the Yankee's exit from the baseball season. I've known him since ninth grade. We went to college together and even studied Electrical Engineering together, although he was a semester ahead after I wasted my first semester trying Art, Architecture, and Music on for size. We even both relocated back to Albuquerque, and we've been good buddies since, getting together regularly for lunch. But, now all I feel is emptiness. I can't send that Yankees-mocking e-mail to anybody. Yesterday I received a call from Brent's brother telling me Brent had passed in his sleep Saturday night while on vacation with his family at DisneyWorld. Apparently something heart related, though the official cause hasn't been determined yet. He rarely drank and he trained constantly for triathlons. He leaves behind a paraplegic widow and three children. My heart aches for them. RIP, good friend. You will be missed more than any words can express.

My bad about the SHUT UP shit dude. I just saw Yankees Lost and had a seizure. My condolences :( I feel bad now
ahh.. shows how much attention i pay to this forum lol..

btw kennarth.. after i finish GRRM i need some Wolfe to start on.. what do you suggest?

futher mucker....


New Sun (Shadow&Claw, Sword&Citadel, Urth of the New Sun): The big story. It's kind of the centrepoint of Wolfe's stuff, and his most praised work. It's also pretty dense, but absolutely a worthwhile read. My favorite story.

Long Sun (Litany of the Long Sun, Epiphany of the Long Sun): More straightforward writing style, but the story gets insane just like New Sun. There is some relation between New Sun and Long Sun, it might be a little more meaningful if you read the former first.

Short Sun (On Blue's Waters, In Green's Jungles, Return To The Whorl): This is a direct sequel to Long Sun and should be read after it.

Fifth Head of Cerberus (Fifth Head of Cerberus, A Story by John V Marsch, VRT): 3 short stories that intertwine and contain many interesting puzzles. Shorter and lighter reading than the above, but just as interesting.

Latro (Latro In The Mist, Soldier of Sidon): Latro In The Mist is actually two books in one, so I'm not sure how they publish it elsewhere. It's Soldier of the Mist & Soldier of Arete. Latro is a dude who forgets everything daily, so his only "memory" is to write down everything he can in his papyrus scroll. He travels through Greece and Egypt (so far) in around 479BC, Wolfe's characters and events are often historically accurate real people in this story. Latro can see gods and godesses of mythology as a result of the head injury that cost him his memory.

those are all the ones I've read so far. So, from the above descriptions, I suggest either New Sun, Long Sun, Latro, or 5th Head
I agree with everything Kenneth said, though I'm only half way through his list.

And Latro in the mist is sold the same way over here, at least all the copies I've seen
anyway, how bad is it, Zach?
