Official Off Topic Thread

Got my audition lined up today for Carnival Cruises. If the audition (next month) goes favorably, then I'll either spend this summer or next fall/spring at sea playing guitar all day for some pretty decent money. It'd be nice because it'd give me a slight break from school while also catching me up (and then some) with my student loans. Not to mention my "job" would be playing music on cruise ships traveling the world...something I could surely deal with. Worst case scenario is I don't get the gig this time, keep going to school and try again next year, or next semester even. It's not something I'm shooting for as a career, but I'd love to do it for a little while since I'd be able to put basically everything I make towards repaying my student loans, so I could get totaly debt free in about a year and have a hell of a time in the process.

Good Luck! I can't believe they pay to to do that :cool:
PS: How did you do a screenshot with Vista? Cos I can't. : /

OMG I hate Vista. On my brand new behemoth laptop (an HP Pavilion DV9429US), it takes for-friggin-ever to boot up..grrr. And of course, the downgrade rights (MS will let you downgrade Vista to XP) don't apply to Vista Home Edition, doesn't it just figure. *mutter*

OMG I hate Vista. On my brand new behemoth laptop (an HP Pavilion DV9429US), it takes for-friggin-ever to boot up..grrr. And of course, the downgrade rights (MS will let you downgrade Vista to XP) don't apply to Vista Home Edition, doesn't it just figure. *mutter*


save all your data and programs if you have the XP install disc Jax, and just reformat (wipe) the hard drive and install XP. If I ever buy a laptop that's my first order of business.

rock on Jeff \m/
The only XP install discs I have are already associated with/have already been used on the computers they came with..

It's not a huge issue that I'm irritated enough about to go to great lengths to fix, it's just annoying how friggin' bloated Vista is.
The only XP install discs I have are already associated with/have already been used on the computers they came with..

It's not a huge issue that I'm irritated enough about to go to great lengths to fix, it's just annoying how friggin' bloated Vista is.

There has been a lot of complaints about Vista. I got my laptop (HP dv6000) a little before Vista came out and it has the option of a free upgrade but, I passed up on it. Microsoft made a big mistake with Vista.
OMG I hate Vista. On my brand new behemoth laptop (an HP Pavilion DV9429US), it takes for-friggin-ever to boot up..grrr. And of course, the downgrade rights (MS will let you downgrade Vista to XP) don't apply to Vista Home Edition, doesn't it just figure. *mutter*


20 seconds to boot up and its ready to go on my new Macbook ( I count everytime ) :lol::lol::lol:
20 seconds to boot up and its ready to go on my new Macbook ( I count everytime ) :lol::lol::lol:

Pfft, my old IBM thinkpad laptop (P3, 1.1ghz) boots faster than that with opensuse (linux)

I actually like vista though (using it since beta 2), and I know my copy of vista boots faster than XP did.
you know... the right click argument is moot because you can run Windows on macs, and even in mac programs you can install a right click plugin, or use a two button USB mouse.
You don't need to install any plugins, there already is a right click, not sure what you guys are thinking, but there is a right click, all I have to do is press my middle and index finger on the touch-pad at the same time to get the menu. Can you do that on a Windows laptop? NOPE.
Oh yeah, and I just press and hold my index and middle on the touchpad to scroll up and down, beat that !!
Anyways, I barely ever use the touch-pad, and I don't like them in general, but the way you scroll is so much easier and actually useful. I almost always use a bluetooth wireless mouse.

Can't say anything on the DAW plugins, and I haven't even bothered with Logic yet, I find garageband very useful and easy so far, and when I want to get more complex I'll bother with logic.

Heres one against you Windows users