Official Off Topic Thread

Jeffy's vid kicks ass. <3

Ok, so my fun from last night. I went out to dinner with a friend and had some awesome food. I was driving back home, it was late, and i was driving through a 25mph zone going 35mph (though no one ever goes 25 there... no excuse, I know). Also, I was talking to a friend on my cell phone at the time, but I was very aware of my surroundings and was keeping at a very reasonable distance from the vehicle in front of me. I'm a kick ass driver. Also, Washington has no current law banning the usage of cell phones while driving without a hands free device, though obviously it's better to use one of those than not. Vicky yells at me all the time for talking to her while driving :(

Anyhow, as i'm driving, a cop pulls out behind me from one of the side streets. I saw him sitting there, but I have never been one to slam on my breaks in the presence of law enforcement since I've been told by many people who are cops that this looks more suspicious than going 7 over, and they'll follow you to see what's up. So he pulls out behind me and I'm looking down going "ok... waiting for the lights" but they don't come on. So i just keep on keepin' on and get to the next intersection and take a left turn and *BAM*, lights come on (the turn was completely legal by the way). My friend, who was in mid-story, gets interrupted with "I'm getting pulled over" *click*.

I pull off on one of the side streets, turn on the dome light and wait. Cop comes up with a no bullshit "license and registration" which I hand over as well as my insurance card. Of course, even though I knew damn well, I still politely asked "what is this regarding sir?"

"35 in a 25"


No point in arguing. He heads back to his car to run my info and I just sit and wait. About a minute or two later he comes back with my documents in hand, hands them over to me and says "You got lucky, there's a drunk that I have to go deal with. Slow down". He parted ways with a "thank you sir" and I went home. It was kick ass.

And for those wondering, yes I did immediately call my friend back and say "Dude, guess what just happened" :p
Haha, thanks guys. I'm putting a few more up soon - some of them came out really well. Another one's on yousendit right now at

Hey that kicks ass! Old school works great for me too.

Zack : I never got away with one speeding pull over. Possibly because I never had any use for cops and it shows. Finally I have gone over 10 years without one but by the time I was 19 I had my licence revoked for 6 months, got it back and within a few months recieved another ticket and had it suspended again for 90 days. When you get older and drive nicer cars they seem to let you go more. Way back when I was young and lost my licence it was the serious "redneck" days(in its origional meaning). Anybody with long hair was going down for the slightest step across the line. I've seen some shit, we even had a few long haired white country boys get the Rodney King treatment. I have some stories with cops. One of which involves me, drunk, winter time, late fri. night, never went home after work so I still was in my winter coveralls but without my pack boots on, chasing the town "fuzz" down mainstreet in bare feet..... LOL... he "done pissed me off". The next day they called me into the town hall for a talkin and threatened to "run me out of town" if I ever did that again. I told them stay off my back and it wont happen again. There were two bars on our small town mainstreet and everyone saw the whole thing out the windows, I think it hurt their pride. A girl came out and drug me [willingly] into her car and took me home. Worked out well for me. Always Mr Popularity, am I... LOL. Respect given where respect is shown has alway been my motto. Theres a few others but no sense in boring everyone with my good ol days. Just had it in again, in fact with a "machoman, see my badge and winch in fear idgit". No, I never did jail time because I never really did anything wrong, just stood my ground and gave back what I was receiving. {these stunts were performed by a professional asshole, do not try them at home}
So 2 hours left of work until i'm off for a week.

Also... 27 hours and 20 minutes :D

Sorry if this has been answered but, what exactly is the purpose of the countdown?

On another off topic note: I just got accepted to Ball State University with a major in Physics and a minor in music theory. Woohoo!!:cool: