Official Off Topic Thread

thats what it appeared to be saying, but then the print for the lyrics got really small at the end and I figured there was more to it.... plus this old, once die hard LZ fan is not in agreement with the statement.
The font gets small because it gets quiet at the end of the song.

To many people seem too easily dismissive of 80's, 90's, and 00's music. It doesnt stand out as much because the field is flooded with choice and so many similar bands. Its harder for later music to seem as magical or "romanticised" as it was for the pioneers, when they stood out so much as being different. But I have found standouts in all the decades and many of the genres Im willing to listen to. For example I will put Images and Words up against any and all LZ recordings or any other band for that matter. I should say right now that from 1970 to at least 1974 or 75 I was a serious die hard LZ fan and very few albums got a chance to be spun between my LZ albums. today I rarely listen to them, I dont need to because I can still hear them in my mind if I want... which is rare too. Actually seeing "the Song Remains the Same" put a dent in my enthousiasm along with discovering jazz & fusion.

I think the later generations have done a kick ass job of bringing great music to the table. [they just need to work on that singing part..... :zombie:] :lol:
I like a ton of 80s, 90s, and 00s music. Most of my favorite metal (the melodic stuff especially) is from the late 90s/early '00s. I just think that, in a lot of cases, the 70s rock stuff had more substance.

I&W against any Led Zeppelin album? It's purely a matter of opinion, but I think it pales in comparison to II, IV, and Houses of the Holy.

And as for The Song Remains the Same... yeah, not so great, but listen to all the other live recordings they've released - they're all incredible.

And Jax - I didn't know there was anyone else here geeky enough to be a fan of XKCD. :)
I&W against any Led Zeppelin album? It's purely a matter of opinion, but I think it pales in comparison to II, IV, and Houses of the Holy.

Now this suprises me ??? maybe "pales" is an exageration ? Im wondering what I&W lacks in substance compared to young Zep ? If you could possibly put it in words. I & W was probably the most excited I was about any recording since LZ IV as far as the "rock" genre goes.
Alrighty then... J Dub knows the title of a George Michael CD..... [look around and ponders the implications]... [stops for a moment and remembers in my wifes collection there is an old Wham CD]........ hey J Dub want me to wrap it up and mail it to you for Christmas ?

Bite me :lol:, I DID have to look it up @ Amazon....Nothing worse than fucking up your own joke. :lol:

The only time I listen to Wham is when I'm all alone in the porta-potty....
To say one is better than another is completely subjective to taste, but to say that dream theater will ever be as *important* as Zep.... that'd be silly. Zep helped to begin / establish a genre and were recognized for that. Dream Theater helped to start / establish / define a relatively small sub-genre, so based on range of influence, Dream Theater will never be remembered like Zeppelin.

Continue arguing until your faces turn blue :lol:
To say one is better than another is completely subjective to taste, but to say that dream theater will ever be as *important* as Zep.... that'd be silly. Zep helped to begin / establish a genre and were recognized for that. Dream Theater helped to start / establish / define a relatively small sub-genre, so based on range of influence, Dream Theater will never be remembered like Zeppelin.

Continue arguing until your faces turn blue :lol:

Thanks for saying what I stumble for words.

Other things that were not said are things like Zeppelin were simple songs for all the sheep to be able to follow along with. However I personally remember the first 4 or 5 years when they were "too hard" and nearly a underground thing, only known or at least liked by we more aggressive, primarily young teenage boys that appreacated a hard edge and were searching for something, anything that was not "The fucking Beatles". By 75 & 76 the sheep begin to gather, soon it was a massive herd and by that time all us old Zep fans had wore their music out and discovered "Rush" who were not origionally well recieved by "the sheep"....... but the cycle just began again. Rush got softer, more accessable and the sheep began to gather again.

So anyhow that should about sum up my feelings about comparing Stairway to Heaven against Metroplis. I can compare them but Sheep ? Never !

However here on this forum, amounst people that appreaciate more aggressive and out of the norm music, I felt it was a justified or at least a understandable statement for me to say I&W probably excited me more than anything I had heard from the "rock" genre since LZ IV. Then thinking back I was actually quite a bit disappointed in many of the songs on IV [but Stairway and Black Dog nearly made up for it] I was really waiting for another II but that day never came. By the time Houses of the Holy came out I knew I would never hear anything new of that nature. This is around the time the sheep began to herd up. With air play from songs like Dyer Maker and such, which I liked and all but it was not the same band that blew our socks off the first time my best friend and I piled our pennys together and bought the LZII 8track off the discount rack and poped it in his mothers 66 suicide door Lincoln Continental.

Yep 20 years from now only prog snobs like me will still treasure I&W but the Sheep.... They will be :Smokin: Inhuman Rampage

Not to say that the "I&W wont be as well remembered as Zeppelin" aren't valid, but who the fuck cares about that? If that was a factor in any of us choosing music to listen to, then none of us would be on this forum (and you think DT wont be remembered 25 years from now?).
Not to say that the "I&W wont be as well remembered as Zeppelin" aren't valid, but who the fuck cares about that? If that was a factor in any of us choosing music to listen to, then none of us would be on this forum (and you think DT wont be remembered 25 years from now?).
Simply saying that in grand scheme of things, Zep is more important. However, in the very broad spectrum of the universe, none of this matters. Only pain and suffering (//_-)
I dunno man...that kind of thing is just a pointless fact to me. It's about as meaningful as the fact that Dream Theater is more accomplished from a technical stand-point.

And uhh....does Vicky know about your fixation on pain and suffering? A word to the wise....the honeymoon isn't a good time to surprise here with the the whole gagball/studded whip thing.
Other things that were not said are things like Zeppelin were simple songs for all the sheep to be able to follow along with. However I personally remember the first 4 or 5 years when they were "too hard" and nearly a underground thing, only known or at least liked by we more aggressive, primarily young teenage boys that appreacated a hard edge and were searching for something, anything that was not "The fucking Beatles". By 75 & 76 the sheep begin to gather, soon it was a massive herd and by that time all us old Zep fans had wore their music out and discovered "Rush" who were not origionally well recieved by "the sheep"....... but the cycle just began again. Rush got softer, more accessable and the sheep began to gather again.

So anyhow that should about sum up my feelings about comparing Stairway to Heaven against Metroplis. I can compare them but Sheep ? Never !

However here on this forum, amounst people that appreaciate more aggressive and out of the norm music, I felt it was a justified or at least a understandable statement for me to say I&W probably excited me more than anything I had heard from the "rock" genre since LZ IV. Then thinking back I was actually quite a bit disappointed in many of the songs on IV [but Stairway and Black Dog nearly made up for it] I was really waiting for another II but that day never came. By the time Houses of the Holy came out I knew I would never hear anything new of that nature. This is around the time the sheep began to herd up. With air play from songs like Dyer Maker and such, which I liked and all but it was not the same band that blew our socks off the first time my best friend and I piled our pennys together and bought the LZII 8track off the discount rack and poped it in his mothers 66 suicide door Lincoln Continental.

Yep 20 years from now only prog snobs like me will still treasure I&W but the Sheep.... They will be :Smokin: Inhuman Rampage
Okay, well I'm going to start off by saying that I&W is my favorite DT album, and one of my favorite albums ever... but from your post, I'm getting the following points:
1.) Led Zeppelin got less cool when everyone realized how badass they were, and "sheep" liked them so they weren't underground anymore.
2.) You think there were only two good songs on IV. Ouch.
3.) Your opinion is more enlightened than "the sheep" because you like Metropolis better than Stairway, and Rush more than Zep.
4.) At least you admit to being a prog snob.

Man... Zeppelin's becoming HUGELY popular doesn't make them bad. It's not like they sold out. Achilles Last Stand isn't exactly radio friendly.
Okay, well I'm going to start off by saying that I&W is my favorite DT album, and one of my favorite albums ever... but from your post, I'm getting the following points:
1.) Led Zeppelin got less cool when everyone realized how badass they were, and "sheep" liked them so they weren't underground anymore.

I think this is also becoming the case with Dream Theater now unfortunately... :(