Official Off Topic Thread

Damn, it's about time! I turned on CNN a little earlier today and all he needed was 11 super delegates. I've really warmed up to him in recent weeks. He'll make an excellent president IMO. Or he'll enslave white people. Whatever, he's already got my vote.:lol:
I just hope the Nightmare Ticket doesn't become a reality. I haven't been following that issue far beyond snippets of news reporters saying "ZOMG OBAMA+HILLARY FOR REELZ GAIZ YAY???!!!". Hillary has stated that's she'd "consider it"....hopefully Barack isn't.
they really gave us a big pile of shit to vote for this time around. its always been bad but this election is the biggest joke Ive seen in my life. Why not just pull Charles Manson out of jail and give him the job... or the first muslim immigrant off the plane on the third tuesday of the month of fucked.
I'm agreeing with razor. Obama's all about "change", but I have yet to see what kind of change he's all about. Yet everybody has jumped on his bandwagon, blindly seeking "change" of any kind with no fear of the consequent changes a complete unknown will bring to the nation.

His wife scares the crap out of me, and judging from the clan he's been associated with, he scares me as well.

I figure Souter and Stevens will be giving up their seats on the Supreme Court within the next four years, either willfully or tragically. To think of the type of person Obama would appoint really worries me.
I don't think that was the intention of his statement... I think you're looking WAY too far into it yas. It's not always about racism...

What I'm assuming he is saying is that he thinks we're dicked no matter who gets voted into office and neither candidate is fit to lead our country, so we might as well go with an insane murderer or someone who's randomly selected and knows very little about our country. Hell, he could have said "random crackhead from the projects" which most people would immediately assume is a black guy. Is that any more racist?

Seriously, it was a valid point.

And what we really need is a Jew in the whitehouse. At least they'd fix the recession in about 3 minutes.
Thanks Zach & Shredhead, you are correct in your interpretation but it was broader as well so they are correct in their assumptions......... I despise immigration, globalization and liberal wankery.... but why should that bother anyone ? Its not like "they" lost, we live in a country where liberal tears write new laws and regulations everyday and immigration and globalization has kept labor wages in check for two decades while the wealth has still grown for those that need it most and work.... oh... so hard :u-huh: its like a win/win for those that want to guilt me for my "attitude"... I can get through the rest of my life with increasingly less and they can make everyone "hate" me because it pisses me off.... fine

In my life I have been unaware of any peoples the other side of our borders that didnt "hate" Americans or America, yet its amazingly destination #1.... funny that
No problem. I don't agree 100% with your politics, but that's because i don't totally agree with your politics :lol: No need to pull the racism card here.

But honestly, Obama has my vote. I don't trust that he'll do an amazing job, but it honestly comes down to the fact that McCain's politics scare me more than Obama's do. Funny how that's how we decide upon a leader these days.

Why don't we all just do write-in votes for Mickey Rourke?

The problem is that you voted in a complete dumbass last time. How'd that guy even graduate from college? lol. Its beyond me.

Thing is we didnt, it was a margional and questional victory either time, but same as this time around and so many others before... whats the alternative ? Typically little is done in a term or two or life as in many Senators so its no big deal, might as well grab and crown the next random immigrant, this country is run by corporations, wallstreet, banks, and the MASSIVE insurance industry. Politicians are law grads... whos interest do law grads work for... their own, corporations, wallstreet, banks and they profit hand in hand with the insurance lottery boondoggle

Its all a big joke but they managed to keep us entertained and distracted enough
So, you profess to know Obama's politics then, Zach? Would you please explain them to me? I can find nothing other than "change".

This country doesn't need liberal changes. They cost too much freakin' money. And the liberal changes brought on in the last half century are continuing to destroy our country.

What we need is a return of the traditional family unit. That costs nothing.
So, you profess to know Obama's politics then, Zach? Would you please explain them to me? I can find nothing other than "change".

Nope, I can't figure the guy out either to be honest. I should have stopped in my last post at "McCain's politics scare me".

I dunno, pretty much anything else I say will be me talking out my ass to be quite honest. I have my own opinions on things and my own gut feeling on the candidates. Nothing more, nothing less. So for now, I'm out of this discussion... it's for the best :) :lol: