Official Off Topic Thread

speaking of jobs too, i have an interview with GIRLFRIEND magazine on friday haha! i still have my current job, but ive started applying for others. This one I found through my best friend who works for the magazine company that handles all those. I'm not expecting to get the job coz they've had alot of applicants, but I'm pretty qualified for it and my friend knows the people who are interviewing me, so my chances are no worse than anyone elses that's for sure. plus because im already a coordinator and the job is for an 'advertising coordinator', nay reckons they're definately curious about me. i might have to start talking, like, really cool soon you know? totally!

Advertising coordinator for a girl magazine? Sounds like you'll get lots of free samples of stuff :lol: Best of luck!
I'd take no more than 48 to 72 hours to make a decision. Is there a chance the other job might pay more? Congrats/good luck, and let us know what happens....

The other job called another reference of mine today. Considering the interview was yesterday I'd say there's a good chance of getting offered a position by them too and hopefully by tomorrow.

Thanks for the info/advices peoples.
It's my last day of work today at this job. Not really sure what I'm going to do after this, but for some reason I'm really not tripping balls over the fact that I have no source of income for the time being. I'm looking forward to taking a day or two off before seriously looking too haha.

But it's kind of cool. One of my co-workers, seeing my Arnold Palmermid at my desk, bought me a shoebox full of Arnold Palmers (six of 'em... about a day's supply for me! HAHA! No seriously though...) so that was really nice. I kind of wish she hadn't though because I was looking forward to just leaving and being like "yeah! fuck that place!" but now it's kind of like huh... there were some really awesome people here.

Anyway, that's enough of my rantings. but WOO!!! 5 day weekend... at least!!!!

Why did you quit, if you don't mind my asking? It seemed like a pretty chill job.
I'm going for my final test "G" license on thursday... :ill: wish me luck!

Good luck!

I got my P's this arvo, so now I can drive unaccompanied, which will come in very handy...

btw, just came back from playing guitar for a recording which my cousin is doing... Its more an ambient, electronic sort of song, perhaps what you might hear in the soundtrack of a nature documentary... Not completely my thing, but it actually sounded pretty good! Hopefully it'll turn out ok and he'll give me a copy of the finished product... Its mostly just some classical guitar and an electric melody line, and I can't guarantee how much he'll copy/paste and generally cut up what I played though, that's electro-music makers for ya...

Always good practice though, being recorded etc...
Well I actually got offered BOTH jobs. Now my problem is trying to decide. One offers more money but no benefits until next year, while the other does offer benefits but less pay. Driving distance between the two is negligible, and they're both in really great areas. I suppose this is far better than having zero to choose from.
what about advancement opportunities? If the difference in salary isn't too significant, I'd go with the benefits personally (assuming you don't already have insurance and such via another source)...ESPECIALLY if there's any room for advancement.
Definitely check into advancement opportunities as Drew recommends. And just like JDub, go with the benefits. You should be able to grow your pay at either job. Benefits are a huge thing though - you don't realize it until you actually see the numbers the company is paying out for you. I think at my job the benefits add another $40-50k to my base salary/bonus.