Official Off Topic Thread

I just found out today that one of my friends (a singer for a group I play in) was mugged last Wednesday when we were on spring break. She was jogging on an open path along one of the lakes here a little before dinner time (i.e. still light out) and two guys came up behind her, grabbed her Ipod, punched her in the eye when she spun around, took her cell-phone and threw it, then kicked her in the ribs, fracturing two of them. She still had a pretty noticeable black eye when I saw her today. The police are guessing they were Hmong gang members (based on what little description she could give about their appearance and speech). They were wearing masks so I doubt they'll catch the fuckers. I can only hope that karma catches up with them. Pisses me off...but I'm VERY glad it wasn't worse. Based on other recent attacks in the area, she's lucky it wasn't.
Drunk dial part two? Can't wait! :D

Not sure. They're sharing a bus with Destruction so Jeffy won't be staying at Snake Mountain this time... might get a joint call but i doubt highly that it'll be a drunk dial haha.

Meeds... that fucking sucks dude. Lowest form of human filth right there. I'm glad to hear she got off relatively well, though the experience sounds fucking awful.
Hmong gang...sounds Asian. You're in Minneapolis right? Sorry about your friend, that sucks donkey dick.

On an unrelated note, I went to check out this French design/marketing company's website (they do artwork, promo pics, and website design for Anthropia), Irokkoi...and to my surpise I hear a familiar theme playing in the background...Atonement by Opeth! Surprising because most of what I see on their portfolio is not metal or music related at all...but it makes for a cool touch to the site :)
Meeds... that fucking sucks dude. Lowest form of human filth right there. I'm glad to hear she got off relatively well, though the experience sounds fucking awful.

Agreed...and all over a goddamn IPod no less *facepalm*. She is lucky as other attacks (in which Hmong gang members have been charged) have been much worse. Some 40 year-old lady not too long ago was attacked by several guys with baseball bats and ended up in really bad shape, and more recently they attacked an elderly man walking his dog...came up behind him and bashed him in the back of the neck with something. Beyond the entirely ridiculous and inexcusable fact that they did all this over a fucking Ipod, it pisses me off that they had to add to it by beating her up. I mean, two guys (one of which she thinks was armed) sneak-attacking a lone female who wasn't going to put up a fight (that's not a jab at women...hardly anybody male or female is going to be able to do much when attacked in that manner, much less someone of her build) is just sickening. While I'm sure she's still a little shaken up, she's handling it really well...even joked a bit about it in rehearsal today.

Iced dog- Yeah, I'm here in the twin cities, and yes they are Asian. In all honesty, I don't know much about the culture or the gangs associated with them. Whether or not the attackers were gang members is purely speculation...evidently things like this are common initiation for new members, which is another reason why that's what they are suspecting. At this point, I doubt they are going to get caught so all I can do is hope they get theirs eventually.

They will, karma will see to it...just too bad that most likely you won't be there to witness it yourself...unless you go vigilante or something ;)

Hmmmm is there a concealed carry provision in MN? One day, these fucks will attack the wrong person. Karma & justice will be served. The Hmong are making themselves VERY undesirable in the Midwest. Remember the poacher that shot a couple of hunters in WI? He was Hmong... Perhaps its time to make life more miserable for them as they have for others...
we just had a local man (NY) shot down in Virginia. He was driving for a trucking company, was 12 miles from his destination but they were closed so he pulled into a parking lot waiting. He was on the phone with his best friend when he heard "oh fuck.... pop... pop" DEAD! Father of a 2 year old girl and his wife is expecting twins in two months. The got his cell phone and $7, it was "gang territory", three have been arrested, apparently the dumb fucks really liked the phone because that is how they found them.

The answer to these problems is simple but we are too busy in Iraq and Afganistan... priorities ya know. Then with all the bleeding heart liberal pussys, and everyone afraid they might hurt someones sensitivities we just sit back and let the problem grow and grow and grow and take the casualities and except the terms of the war these scumbags have brought. The dead cant steal, the dead cant make more, more, more, more babies that grow up to murder and steal and be crack whores.... but everyone has..... rights :rolleyes:
That sucks, razor.

I would have liked to have been at Clarence Thomas' talk the other day. The snippets here pretty much nail what you are talking about. The rights of the individual have been put so far ahead of the principles our country was founded upon and the hard work and sacrifice of those before us that we are rapidly losing ourselves and our country.

Drew - you nailed it: the lowest form of cowardice all to prove you're worthy of being in a gang.

NM does have a concealed carry law. I've never owned a gun in my life, but I'm actually thinking of going down that road. Scares the shit out of me though since I have two young'uns at home.
I too have never owned a gun and due to readily available food at the grocery store could never bring myself to kill a four legger. At one time was a very idealistic liberal that felt sorry for everyone and felt all anyone needed was a leg up. I have since learned that you cant help those that wont help themselves and that those born scumbags will die scumbags. So whats the holdup ? Let the dying begin
People like that are going to jump the wrong person one of those times and end up on the wrong side of a skull fracture.

Interesting facts on the criminal mind:
Imagine two scenarios, and by the way, these are not made up.
1. A car is left parked overnight in a city park. In the car are all sorts of luggage cases with various networking and electronics gear. Some of this is in the cases, some of it is in plain sight. Total worth: about four hundred thousand. This car is untouched. Several parking spaces down, a vehicle is broken into, windows smashed. The only item stolen was an iPod Nano.

2. Two laptops, a printer, an eight thousand dollar subwoofer, several thousand dollars worth in network and video cable, four wireless microphones, two touch computer panels, five incredibly expensive security cameras, and a plethora of tools are left in a storage room. An item is stolen. What could it be? A pair of sunglasses.
I went along to the Eskrima (stick fighting/weapons) class after Krav Maga last night, so much fun! Possibly even more fun than the Krav Maga, though not quite as useful perhaps. Anyone else done any Martial arts weapons training?

No weapons training, but I box. Here is a vid of me (the chubby guy) sparring at the gym I go to.

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Hmmmm is there a concealed carry provision in MN? One day, these fucks will attack the wrong person. Karma & justice will be served. The Hmong are making themselves VERY undesirable in the Midwest. Remember the poacher that shot a couple of hunters in WI? He was Hmong... Perhaps its time to make life more miserable for them as they have for others...

I don't know off-hand what the concealed carry laws are here. However, even if we do have them, I doubt they'd do much good considering how the courts here are. We've churned out several cases that play out something like-

-Man breaks into home
-man injures self in process
-after arrest, man decides to sue the home owners for injuries sustained when he broke in
-man wins case

*epic facepalm*
You know Meeds I've heard numerous times about these law suits but just cant believe them, how did peoples minds get so upside down that a case could be ruled that way. Brings to mind the illegal that was shot I believe in Texas and the courts made his family rich.