Official Off Topic Thread

I just got back from seeing FORBIDDEN a few hours ago. HOLY SHIT, if you have a chance to see FORBIDDEN and don't, you're an asshole. That band is AMAZING!!!!! Hands down, best show I've been to all year. It was magic, and I haven't headbanged like that in... I don't even know how long.
I finished listening to the Guilt Machine album a couple of times and I don't know what to say in this mini-review. Really I don't. I guess there's a reason why it takes 4 years to release an Ayreon album because half the time to make one means half the ideas to come up with and develop. I couldn't believe how much of the music in this sounded recycled. In fact, I'm sure some parts were ripped straight off the "Y" album. You'll be hearing parts from Y then suddenly it'll switch to THE. The singer even imitates the voices from previous singers. It felt like I was playing a game of "guess which Ayreon song this part is from." I don't get it, it's more like the lost tapes and there's nothing fresh other than cranking up the bass. I'm rather disappointed, but I'm sure anyone who hasn't listened to any of Arjen's previous stuff can enjoy it.
Man, that sucks to hear... I'm usually pretty excited about Arjen's releases. But I guess no one can release ALL awesome stuff. Well, almost no one.

So, my fellow fantasy geeks of the forum... who else has read "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss? I'm almost done with it - it's been ruining my social life for the past 2 days, and it's probably the best thing I've read in the genre since Ice and Fire. Go check it out!
So, my fellow fantasy geeks of the forum... who else has read "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss? I'm almost done with it - it's been ruining my social life for the past 2 days, and it's probably the best thing I've read in the genre since Ice and Fire. Go check it out!

I'm highly skeptical of fantasy as a whole, but it was you and Kenneth who recommended GRRM and I thought he kicked ass, so I'll check it out!

Speaking of books, I just bought Fiasco by Stanislaw Lem and am really looking forward to reading it because it is supposedly a very dark and grim (And therefore, more accurate!) first contact novel. I can't wait to start reading it.
Woo! We just got new Skelator shirts delivered to us. I'm pretty stoked. We'll have them for sale online in a bit, not sure what the total will be with shipping and all that but there will be info in the pimp your shit thread soon.

Here's what they look like (sorry for the crappy cell phone pic)... simple design, but badass IMO.
Iced Dog, I can't wait for Mass Effect 2! The first one is one of my all time favorite games! I just hope that they add some more variety to the planet exploration this time, though.
Uh huh ;) I'm almost afraid to play Dragon Age...looks like the type of game you could play for a year or so. Noble Savage, I hear ya, Mass Effect is probably my fave game overall to this's not perfect, as you alluded to, the side missions could've used some variety, but I was so taken by the universe Bioware created...the alien races, the technology, the human arc, the storyline, the whole mythology was just outstanding. I think the sequel will easily be game of the year for 2010.
I think it's the concept that kills it. It sounds like they were playing WoW or some shit and while drunkenly larping, came up with this touchin' concept about aliens and x files. Except, with kvltness. It just doesn't work. It reads like a 13 year old to me. Couple that with riffs that could be lifted from Unia (read uninspiring) it just falls flat. As I was telling Zach... flaccid.
I think it's the concept that kills it. It sounds like they were playing WoW or some shit and while drunkenly larping, came up with this touchin' concept about aliens and x files. Except, with kvltness. It just doesn't work. It reads like a 13 year old to me. Couple that with riffs that could be lifted from Unia (read uninspiring) it just falls flat. As I was telling Zach... flaccid.
Wait, that was supposed to be a concept? :lol: