Official Off Topic Thread

Why is fucking Obama getting the Nobel peace prize? Norwegians...

While I personally think this decision was a bit (insanely) awkward, I think the committee who does the decision making here is trying to give Obama more clout for when he does try to do peaceful things.

Whether this works or not, time will tell. But my early guess is no, it will not. At all.

But it's definitely interesting that so many people OUTSIDE of the USA are so drawn in by Obama. Are we seeing a cult of personality form right before our eyes?
I was going through wikipedia and found this interesting article:

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare."

Read it! Its pretty interesting/funny/enlightening.


This is so completely random, and thus I love it!
I saw Sonata Arctica last night. Like half the set was new stuff, and they didn't play Kingdom for a Heart! Things were a little boring at first, but the crowd and the band warmed up about halfway through. The vocals were the highlight - he was right on the whole time. Way better than past live stuff I've seen, so that was cool.
DREAM THEATER- Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory

some of you may know that i consider dream theater to not only be the worst band on the planet, but also the worst possible group of human beings on the planet. i tried to go into this cd, one of the few dream theater cds i hadn't already heard, without any preconceptions whatsoever. this worked ok until i saw the fucking track names and act/scene system these knobgobblers used for this cd. i fucking hate you guys. i decided to go about listening to it anyways. before listening i quickly shot off a prayer to god asking him to have mercy on me. away we go

Act 1
Scene One: Regression: the cd starts out with a voice saying "Close your eyes and begin to relax. Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly." fucking great i didnt know spiritofrock was in dream theater. then the acoustic guitar and some christian summer-camp singalong shit starts. at least it was short cd fucking blows. 0/10

Scene Two: part I. Overture 1928: my sources (lyric site i am using) tell me that this is an instrumental. my other sources (my ears) tell me that music sucks and sounds like the sonic 3 water zone music. even back then i always let sonic drown so i wouldnt have to hear that shit. 1/10

Scene Two: part II. Strange Déjà Vu : then the song starts its second part (a second track, obviously, because making it one song wouldn't make any sense at all). this one has vocals and therefore is worse than the first. otherwise the instruments sound basically the same (shitty) as the track before. and the first track now that i think about it. and every other dream theater song ive heard maybe thats why the track is called strange deja vu. the vocals are dream theater bad and the harmonies are even worse. also features shitty "introspective" lyrics like "The missing key to unlock my mind`s door". 0/10

Scene Three: part I. Through My Words: piano ballad worse than nickelbacks how embarrassing. only a minute long but i with it was more of a staring at your naked mom minute than a new york minute. 0/10

Scene Three: part II. Fatal Tragedy: im guessing this is a concept album based on some of the lines but im gonna spare myself the energy it takes to put my palm on my forehead and not look up the shitty concept. songs about some kid talking to some old dude about a murder that happened or some shit. nice keyboard solo thing that sounds like it was composed on mario paint using only the dog bark settings. 2 minutes of wank (not good wank either i just got done with a good wank a few minutes ago). ends with some douche saying "now its time to see how you died." id really rather not but oh well watcha gonna do. 0/10

Scene Four: Beyond This Life: this song is 11 minutes long and it has james labrie singing. i think this song is supposed to be about a newspaper article on the murder mentioned in the previous song but all i got out of it is that a bitch was killed (serves her right for being a female imo) and then the killer committed suicide (serves him right for being black imo (im assuming hes black since only black people commit crimes(im using a lot of parentheses because i dont want to be out pretensed(?) by dream theater))). another sonic sounding synth solo only with much more wank this time. 0 (out of 10(imo))

Scene Five: Through Her Eyes: starts with a bitch (female) singing. continues with a bitch (james labrie) singing. when the piano kicked in i thought this was either a smooth jazz song or something by the fray. actually it sounds like the song that was in that fruit of the loom commercial with the singing apple. i can tell from the lyrics that this song was written by petrucci because he's a fucking ballsack of a lyric writer. indescribably lame slow ballad shit. 0/10
dats da end of act 1 bois
ACT 1 overall: 0/10

Act II
Scene Six: Home:song is 13 minutes long and to my ear it sounds like it has some arabic influences. i bet labrie is quite the snake charmer if you catch my drift. who knows what this song is about but he says something about lines taking him higher so i think its an ode to cocaine. i dont know how this fits the concept but ill just assume that the whore that died was always coked up because im sure its better the whatever concept these dnd nerds came up with. for whatever reason i just imagined the dudes from dream theater reenacting 3 stooges scenes. nyuk nyuk's and eye pokes completely intact. song has samples of a total babe having sex but dream theater fans dont know what sex is so i dont see what the hell they were trying to accomplish there. end already. 0/10

Scene Seven: part I. The Dance of Eternity: another instrumental but this one is way longer than the first and equally as lame. music equivalent of losing your virginity to your moms sheep dog. 1/10

Scene Seven: part II. One Last Time: enough of this piano shit. oh god the singing started go back to the piano im begging you. im done trying to figure out how things fit into the concept because then i would actually have to listen to the singing. 0/10

Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries on: petrucci lyrics man im getting too good at this. is it wrong to wish cancer upon people? this song (piano balladish thing btw) sounds like something you'd hear on one of those "GOSPEL TUNEZ: EMBRACE HIM!" infomercials. very bad. 0/10

Scene Nine: Finally Free: damn this song title was exactly what i was thinking when i saw i was on the last track until i noticed it was like 12 minutes long. opens with spiritofrock telling you to open your eyes now. song is told from the perspective from a few different people in the story but i dont care and i doubt anyone who doesnt spend 18 hours a day on WoW and hundreds of dollars on lord of the rings replica items cares either. some gunshots effects that sound like they were ripped straight from the original DOOM are used in this song and i imagined it was mike portnoy getting shot and i smiled :). lame lame lame song by a lame band. 0/10
ACT 2 overall: 0/10

overall: 0/10
terrible songwriting and lyrics make this hard to recommend to anyone but the most deplorable of nerds. given the choice between this album and some arsenic pills i think i know what i would choose. scenes from a memory phooey if i ever have any trace of this album in my memory i'm gonna look for some men in black mind eraser shit because i couldnt deal with myself if i started randomly humming scene eight: the spirit carries on. just from listening to this album i am now sure i will die a virgin, the effects of this album are irreversible and i blame dream theater for everything. economic crisis: dream theater. holocaust: dream theater. metropolis part 2 scenes from a memory: dream theater. i hope they all choke to death.
^ fail! you really speant that much time writting how much you hate each song? that fact is quite a bit funnier than your immature rants.
my other sources (my ears) tell me that music sucks and sounds like the sonic 3 water zone music.
even back then i always let sonic drown

nice keyboard solo thing that sounds like it was composed on mario paint using only the dog bark settings.
i thought this was either a smooth jazz song or something by the fray.
actually it sounds like the song that was in that fruit of the loom commercial with the singing apple.
i dont care and i doubt anyone who doesnt spend 18 hours a day on WoW and hundreds of dollars on lord of the rings replica items cares either. some gunshots effects that sound like they were ripped straight from the original DOOM are used in this song
^ fail! you really speant that much time writting how much you hate each song? that fact is quite a bit funnier than your immature rants.

It's not mine, and it's clearly a joke. Chill pill, my friend. :Smug:

Edit: Found the original link (thanks Google), wish I could take credit for this masterpiece:

His review of Black Clouds was just "I can't wait for the new Dane Cook special"