Official Off Topic Thread

Nice video, keep it up. Except the metal improvisation hurt my fucking ears. :mad: Oh, and nice PL shirt as well of course.

Seconded. Thought it was contructive and well done. You could have practiced a bit before so your impros would sound better though, because they sounded like random notes to me.
Well thats not the whole point of the video. I try out the pick in different styles and give my review, it's not really focused on my playing so I think its fine. I try to keep the playing segments to a minimum. But okay, I'll take your advice and practice my improv for the next one. Actually I was planning on playing some cover riffs or solos too in future episodes instead of just imrpov.
Congrats, Ken.

CantoX- I think the problem with that is that a video doesn't really offer anything over a written review when it comes to guitar picks. Barring any drastic comparisons, nobody is really going to discern the tonal differences of various picks when playing on an electric guitar with lots of gain with youtube audio compression to top things off. Even on a clean electric or acoustic, it's hard to discern subtleties in that context. I'd highly recommend having some sort of control pick to use alongside whatever you are reviewing...again, I don't know that it will be useful even at that point, but without a point of reference, your verbal descriptions of the picks are the only things one can go by, at which point you might as well do a written review. Another thing I'd recommend is to use more generic gear, if possible...a strat through a clean fender amp for example. The guitar/amp you are using (the tonal qualities of which are for more audible than those of the pick) are more of a niche thing...unless you are only going for that niche, I'd use a basic gear setup that everyone can relate to more closely. You'll have wider appeal that way. Almost every guitar player knows how a strat through a clean fender tube amp sounds so it'd be easier for you to try to relate the qualities of the pick. I think you were looking for thoughts on the concept more so than the playing, so I wont get into that much...but as a blanket statement I'd say that you might benefit from doing a bit more editing and getting cleaner playing examples. The better the playing, the better the product will look.
@ Meedley

Well, whats the difference between a video game review video and a video game review article? Images and talking. You know what the game looks like, you know how it plays. When someone in a videogame review mentions control.. it's very vague and they usually say you have to try it to figure it out. I'm basically doing the same thing, I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible but in the end you'd really have to try it to understand feel or tonality of a pick. I'm doing my best to describe it. The benefit of watching a video of a guitar pick review is the images and words.. this really is no different from a video movie review or video game video review. But it's just never been really done before. In a video game review you maybe watching someone play while they're playing the game and thinking, "this guy sucks" or "he should've done this or that" kind of like how people mentioned my playing. It's not perfect and it's not to everyone's liking, but it's barebones and gets the point across.
I can tell the difference in tone with a pick, whether it be with any amount of gain, clean, or acoustic. In the video I had the gain at 1 o clock, which is nothing close to high gain. In future videos I'm thinking of comparing 2 different picks to try and show attack differences and tonal differences (you can easily tell the difference in tone between a tortex and a ultex) and so on. Probably with the acoustic guitar to be as natural as possible. Also showing size differences and comparing and contrasting.
I don't have plans on ever buying a fender guitar or amplifier, good suggestion though.
Remember, this is just the first episode. I've learned a lot from it and am learning a lot from your input so keep it up so hopefully I can learn and make the second episode better. Lets be serious now, this is all incredibly vague, but I guess thats the point, to get you to go out and try the pick, and hey, if just one person goes out and buys a pick because they checked out one of my videos then I'd say mission accomplished!
@ Meedley

Well, whats the difference between a video game review video and a video game review article? Images and talking. You know what the game looks like, you know how it plays. When someone in a videogame review mentions control.. it's very vague and they usually say you have to try it to figure it out. I'm basically doing the same thing, I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible but in the end you'd really have to try it to understand feel or tonality of a pick. I'm doing my best to describe it. The benefit of watching a video of a guitar pick review is the images and words.. this really is no different from a video movie review or video game video review. But it's just never been really done before. In a video game review you maybe watching someone play while they're playing the game and thinking, "this guy sucks" or "he should've done this or that" kind of like how people mentioned my playing. It's not perfect and it's not to everyone's liking, but it's barebones and gets the point across.
I can tell the difference in tone with a pick, whether it be with any amount of gain, clean, or acoustic. In the video I had the gain at 1 o clock, which is nothing close to high gain. In future videos I'm thinking of comparing 2 different picks to try and show attack differences and tonal differences (you can easily tell the difference in tone between a tortex and a ultex) and so on. Probably with the acoustic guitar to be as natural as possible. Also showing size differences and comparing and contrasting.
I don't have plans on ever buying a fender guitar or amplifier, good suggestion though.
Remember, this is just the first episode. I've learned a lot from it and am learning a lot from your input so keep it up so hopefully I can learn and make the second episode better. Lets be serious now, this is all incredibly vague, but I guess thats the point, to get you to go out and try the pick, and hey, if just one person goes out and buys a pick because they checked out one of my videos then I'd say mission accomplished!

It's really quite different from a video game review...a video game is largely a visual experience. I mean, it's in the name. The things you are trying to focus on are a completely different in concept and simply can't be properly related in the format you are using. Sure, there's a playing aspect to a video game that can't be experienced by watching a video review, but a review of anything (guitar pick, video game, anything) can only go so far before the person watching needs to just try it for themselves. A video review of a video game gets MUCH MUCH closer to that point than a review of a guitar pick.

To be clear, I'm not discounting the fact that there are audible differences between guitar picks (which vary according to context), I'm one of the pickiest bastards you'll find when it comes to that. The reality is that hardly any of these qualities translate in a youtube quality video/audio format. You even acknowledge this in the video. Also, if you don't consider the "metal" parts of the video to be high-gain, I'm not sure I'd ever want to hear what you do consider high gain. Gain is a universal might only be up to 1 on your amp, but in the grand scheme of things, that is most definitely a high-gain tone. Again, I'd try the approach or comparing two picks in each video or (better yet) just using one type of pick as your standard (the tortex would be good for that) and comparing a different pick to it in each video. At least then there is some basis for description/comparison. If there's any way you can get better audio, that'd be good too. I don't mean to dissuade you from continuing to do this as it is a cool idea and you seem to be having fun with the it (which is the important thing), but to be blunt I think it's still got a way to go before it's got a measurable degree of usefulness (beyond that of a written review) for people who have discerning ears and don't buy into the videos for the simple hip-factor of there being a youtube pick review. Keep posting them though, it'll be interesting to see where it goes.
guitar picks seem mostly irrelevent to me. The ones I use are quite cheap and Im comfortable with them. Those that have gripper nubs walk around more in my fingers than the cheap kind I use. Picks wear down and you need a new one, everybody seems to have a size, type and thickness that feels right to them. Everybody holds thier pick differently. somehow this all seems about as important as the dayly "news".