Official Off Topic Thread

A few random thoughts from a drunken Zach.

*cue gigantic swig of beer*

I am listening to Bloodbound for the first time ever. Nosferatu, released in 2006. I remember seeing the schtick in all the mags, a power metal band that dressed black metal and shit. It was cute, but I never bothered listening, even though I fucking LOVE Urban's work in Tad Morose. Now, I find myself loving Nosferatu (the album). It's full of catchy choruses, solid power metal riffs, it's pretty generic but it's so fucking fun. Avantasia is still this decade's best power metal album (don't worry! Nightfall in Middle Earth is '98!), but Bloodbound just got it right. it's fun, it's cheesy, it's catchy and anyone who likes heavy metal should check it out.

I recently was looking through old Terrorizer mags circa 1999 and saw a ton of ads for bands I've never heard of. Research showed that they were mainly bands who released a single album back in '98 as one of Metal Blade or Candlelight's third tier bands... the ones no one really gives a shit about. The only thing my search yielded was the following bits:
-A Canorous Quintet is quite good, as is most No Fashion Records material. They did Dissection's first two records guys... c'mon, get with it. And check out Ophthalamia.
-Absurdus apparently doesn't exist on the internet...
-And similarly, Prophanity's only album exists on the internet, but with track 3 missing. What the fuck...

Avanatasia (The Metal Opera pt. 1) is, as mentioned earlier in this post, the decade's best power metal album. I defy anyone to provide a better example.

Mercyful Fate never put out a bad album. Ever. Sure, bad songs, but not a bad album. Period.

Melodic vocals are ALWAYS better than harsh, death, black, extreme, thrash, other vocals. But those other styles still fucking rule when used properly.

Diversity in music is what makes metal special to a lot of us. You can have metal bands playing jazz, blues, prog rock, tribal beats, classical, folk... almost every world region has a metal band to represent them, almost every historical topic has been covered, often times by multiple views.

I'm rambling. Drinking does that. Bloodbound is still rad, don't know if their other albums are shit or not, but since this is so rad they probably are. I'll report back later.

Oh, and final thought: I'm going to listen to Massacre's album Promise. Some of you will be horrified by this, others won't understand the reference.
Congrats John! That's a rough battle you've been fighting.

I haven't been here for a while. What's in my life? I met an amazing woman and we're now engaged, getting married next year. Following right behind you, Kenneth! :D
I couldn't find a "newbies" thread so I thought I would introduce myself here!

My name is Laura, I am 22 and I live in Centralish, Northish London. I am a photographer and if one day I was able to photograph Symphony X live I would be the happiest I could ever be. I have been a fan of Symphony X for what I feel is a relatively short while. I heard DWOT in 2003 and have loved their music beyond even my own comprehension ever since. Their music actually helped me pull through some of the toughest times in my life and I am so very glad the band formed and I was able to hear their music!

I have only been able to go to one of their gigs due to higher evil powers (namely my boss and severe illness). Although at the announcement of tour dates in the UK I shall be booking time off work and going to every concert I can afford!

I am slightly afraid of forums so tend to shy away joining the ones of my favourite bands because of flaming and such, which is why it has taken me so long to get on here.

Anyway, enough babble! Hope to get to know some of you and maybe see you around some time :)

There's no flaming here. If there is, it's between people you can easily ignore.
Actually the forums have been quiet as of late. I guess that's why people are running around getting married and such nonsense.

Grattis by the way, 1by4by9. :D
Jesus, i posted my rant in the wrong thread. oops.

Congrats John on the coon problem (... come on, you guys know what i mean.....)
Congrats Ken... sorry I couldn't be there man. jeff told me a bit about it and i'm fucking jealous. As i said to Jeff, "dude, you realize none of us will ever have a wedding half as badass as Ken's right?"
Welcome new Brit chick. :wave: We don't bite here.
Congrats Lasse, once again!

We need to have another old school epic msn chat. How's everyone's schedule looking these days? :lol:
Avanatasia (The Metal Opera pt. 1) is, as mentioned earlier in this post, the decade's best power metal album. I defy anyone to provide a better example.

I preferred Stormwarrior's Heading Northe
Avanatasia (The Metal Opera pt. 1) is, as mentioned earlier in this post, the decade's best power metal album. I defy anyone to provide a better example.

It's a great album, sure, but I think these are better.


And I guess you could argue whether this is prog or power or a mix but...
I'm open, Zach, though mostly on vacation these days. Got three more weeks to burn through by the end of the year.

Hi, "new Brit chick"!

Hope everyone enjoys the 7.2 Mbps for awhile before TMO jumps to 21 Mbps next year... I thought I'd advertise. And all-you-can-whatever rates are half the price of AT&T and VZW!

And, Ken, sorry I missed your poke the other day - busy day with meetings that day and I wasn't in the office much.
Iced Earth are not power metal. Falconer are awesome by the way!

They burst through the gates, with swords in hand they made their way~~ dadada
I am entering eternity, unfolding a new day~~~ dadada

Those are my 2 fave Falconer songs. What are some other good ones?

And that album of Iced Earth that you posted a pic of, I just got hooked on one of their songs after I watched The Omen (1976), 2 weeks ago; Damien. The chorus is straight from the movie!!! It's so epic.
So, there's a good chance I'll be going on a European tour (with stops in the UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and possibly a few more) somewhere in the time frame from early 2010 to mid 2010. Got the offer yesterday and I'm waiting on details (dates, length, pay, etc.) before I commit. The only real hangup would be if and to what extent it would interfere with school, at which point I'd have to weigh the pros and cons. I'm pretty stoked though, so I'm hoping things pan out. *crosses fingers*
You know, there was once a time where I thought wikipedia was a decent source, but more and more I'm finding out about things that are on there that are sometimes really badly sourced. Some pages like "Critisizims of Islam", around half of the critisizims source random websites, blog posts, or they source pages or books that are opinions, and a lot of the shit on that page is completely wrong. They don't source the Quran!!!
So really, I take anything on wikipedia with utmost caution. What you've quoted to me looks like an opinion and not a fact. I've listened to the album countless times and maybe one or two songs have a power metalish feel, but I don't consider the album to be a power metal album.