Doesn't matter. I wouldn't listen to (let alone sift through) death metal for my own listening pleasure 99.9% of the time. I outgrew the Cookie Monster at age six.


A lot of it is like that!
O.K. here is something i wrote. Criticism welcome.
-[Seas of Confusion]-
Cast into a raging sea
Below the skies of grey
My long forgotten destiny
Lies so many miles away
Swimming in the seas of confusion
The sword falls from my hand
Falling for a dark illusion
Rising from the burning sand
I slip away
Temptation plays it's games
I try to play
But I am cast into the flames
Tossed into the seas of fire
I enter into night
Giving in to my every desire
I've given up the fight
The sun is rising in the sky
Is this but a fantasy?
I'm falling down, LORD lift me high
Into the realms of eternity
Lift me from the sea of ashes
I want this life no more
I feel the pain of a thousand lashes
I see the scars of war
You come to me
With bleeding wrist
You let me see
Beyond the mist
You cleanse my soul
Of all I've done
Though night is dull
I see the sun
Rescued from the raging sea
Below the skies of grey
LORD you know my destiny
This life I'm living, every day