Official Off Topic Thread

Pa-fucking-lease you are cross pollinating forums, a no no on any forum I have ever visited get a fucking life "Tom" the only subjects you post on is anything negative.
Not always. I said lots of great things about Joblo Movie Club. Badbird and everyone that been said besides Hey Man is god gift to Joblo forum.

While you may not agree with Hey Man, he is the one of the only posters on there who tells the truth and doesn't sugar coat. And he was right that people needed to stop taking shit so seriously over there and quit getting their panties in a bunch over bullshit.
So how about the 8 million aMericans on unemployment ? Im one BTW and work is not breaking due to state government deficit and budgets not passing so infrastructure work is at a near standstill. Anyhow that is just the number on unemployment, doesnt count the self employed out of work, the welfare, the crack dealers, the whores, the inmates and anybody else without work. So hows that globalism paying off there ? So hows those millions of immigrants working out ? How about those illegals ?

We aint seen nothing yet, trust me, next year will be the fall out from this year and this year is only half way along... during what was typically the busy season for about the only blue collar work left in this country, construction.

Well sorry if Im causing anyone to think, I know after the election thread we all were ready to be free of the heavy political conversations. But I am curious to hear any adults opinions, you know those out in the workforce whether their life has been negatively or positively affected and how they feel about the root of these problems that dates back 30 years with the initiation of moving and selling everything possible out of this country.
All subjective, of course.

I have no problem with rap. I DO have a problem with Country.

I think rap is pretty chincy and cheezy stuff and always have. Now country has great musicians, cleaver lyrics and stories, simple stuff about life, no more pop formulated than pop or rap at its worst. It is authentic music, not digitalized copy and paste, it rocks, it crys, its sweet, I dont see the problem with it though I suspect those that have one are burbies and young. I didnt like it when young either but alot of it was pretty bad in the 60's and 70's, horrible voices, not much skill in the players. Most of todays have many influences andmore diverse listening backgrounds.
I was more interested in the mess that is having a deficit of around 15-20 million jobs in the country counting all the groups I mentioned or forgot. How this corresponds to our immigration policy, globalisation, the stimulated false economies of the 80's and 90's, how in the fuck bullshit on wallstreet is capable of causing such castrophophies let alone allowed to happen and how the fuck are we going to get out of this ?

Yes I believe there is going to be people dying in the streets, home and where ever of starvation before this is over, so sure it seems to make sense to extend unemployment for humanitarian reasons but its only a band-aid for the inevitable. I look for jobs all the time and there just is little out there and hundreds going for each single job. Then there is all the jobs that pay so low no one thats already independent can live on them... yet others have so much. Its absolutely an insane situation as far as my eyes can see. We simply can not "stimulate" ourselves out of the population problem and finality of selling off and moving such a huge percentage of our job resources out of the country.

Are we at war for economic reasons as well ? Our local armory is the only industry that is actually growing, what if the "war machine" was stiffled as well ? More jobs gone ? More people off the government keep and into the job market ? This is crazy shit this economy stimulation shit, boom town went ka-boom, growth kills. Interestingly thats how broadleaf weed killers work, they over stimulate the growth.
I think rap is pretty chincy and cheezy stuff and always have. Now country has great musicians, cleaver lyrics and stories, simple stuff about life, no more pop formulated than pop or rap at its worst. It is authentic music, not digitalized copy and paste, it rocks, it crys, its sweet, I dont see the problem with it though I suspect those that have one are burbies and young. I didnt like it when young either but alot of it was pretty bad in the 60's and 70's, horrible voices, not much skill in the players. Most of todays have many influences andmore diverse listening backgrounds.

Rap has all of that too. Some rap like The Roots have musicians that play as well. Also they make great pop culture references, like Mike Tyson and Vince Carter.
Country has exuded infinitely more talent than any rap has(though I will admit that they are different kinds of talent) because I think it's kinda more, I dunno, musical. I am much more entertained by Toby Keith and Gretchen Wilson than anything gangsta coming out of dumbass' cars today.

Country hasn't caused the musical destruction that rap has; creeping into other genres and retarding it. The cultures surrounding them equate to roughly the same thing. Though there are many dumb rednecks who listen to only country and rap(you figure it out). Nevertheless, I'd much rather go to a bar that played country(and have) than one that played rap all day. Or put it another way, would you rather share a cell with someone who did rap or sang country? The answer should be obvious and if it isn't go out and buy a shotgun and rid yourself from this world, please. NOW.

The sad fact is that young people today are victims. I don't really fault the kids today because rap has been heaped on them practically from birth and constantly crammed down their throats at school and most of them don't know any better. Now if you are near or around my age group(30s), you have no excuse if you mostly listen to modern rap and if you do, I hope you die very slowly and painfully.

But if you wanna bash country on a Symphony X forum think about this: without country there would be no Russell Allen because that is what got him into music in the first place.