Official Off Topic Thread

This is kind of a dumb argument. Judging rap/hip-hop and all it's associated variants by what you hear on the radio is like some guy saying he hates metal because he heard Seether or some shit on the radio one day. Nobody has to like anything, but there are artists in that genre(s) who are very talented and good at what they do. Someone mentioned The Roots...I would put the guys in that band up against anyone here or the guys in any of the bands you guys like on their respective instruments. That is a sick band, no "if"s, "and"s, or "but"s about it.

There's some great stuff in the country scene. A lot of the mainstream stuff is garbage, on par with any other over-produced pop act nowadays. I make part of my living playing in country bands (originals and covers), and I love doing it. As over-produced and manufactured as some of it is, there's a lot of emphasis on songwriting and the players are always top notch...musicianship is still respected in that scene. There's not many other genres where you'll find someone playing at the same level as someone like Paisley can have an outlet for his playing and still achieve the fame he has. The genre has become pretty broad, so it's worth exploring, even if you're only listening for the musicianship and not so much because you like the tunes. If you ever want your ass handed to you, go sit in on a jam with even some of the C and D list Nashville studio guys.
I said The Roots Meedleyx10. They are different from Lil Wayne and that crap. Rednecks like rap but again it's stuff like Drake, Soldier Boy, 50 Cent, and Lil Wayne. That stuff is like what Nickelback and Kid Rock are to rock music.

This movie will piss off right-wing people for sure. Some people like these take movies like this serious. They didn't complain about the grindhouse movies back in the 70's, but for some reason they can't stand this. With shit like Twlight, movies like this and The Expendables will bring back fun guy movies. Speaking of great movies, just saw Toy Story 3 yesterday. 8/10 for me.
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I love grindhouse stuff.

Just watched The Secret In Their Eyes, which was the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar winner this past year. And I must say, although I really thought that White Ribbon should have won, this one definitely deserved it. Brilliant messages throughout it with just a awesome twist of an ending.

Although Martyrs was my favorite film of last year, hands down- I definitely recommend this.
I dont know Meeds, I have heard a glimmer of talent is like two rap songs and they were not by rap artists. Outside of that it all seems pointed at the same ol crap. I have no problem argueing against rap, it was a sad day in hell when the blackman stopped playing and singing the blues. I see its merit and that lies in the funk groove but guess what I can find plenty of funk with talented musician without the nonsense and it actually progresses as music, not repeat, repeat, repeat, rhym every 4th word, not talk about being cooler than a day old turd. Sorry, I've tried on and off for decades, forget about it, Ill never be impressed.

** rednecks - people that use this term on both sides of the fence ARE stupid and ignorant. Shall we all go back to calling various folks by their old terms ? I find it interesting when people like ".Tom" who come off as being so liberal and non bigoted proclaim every country boy is a "redneck"... fucking brilliant as always !
Rednecks aren't restricted to "country folk" or even to the South. There are rednecks in every state(there's a shitload in Maine). There's even liberal rednecks. So the fact that many of them listen to rap really doesn't surprise me anymore.

I would prefer to just call them zombies; because that's generally what they look like(and even sound like). I think that George Romero openly did a casting call in Pittsburgh for rednecks, which is why the living dead in the original Dawn Of The Dead look so damn convincing.

I call it like I see it and always will. :Spin:
There some people in MA(the state I live in) that are very white trash. My dad could be called white trash I guess with stuff like NASCAR and hunting, which seem to what people always say about them. There were racist liberals until LBJ(not Lebron James) sign the Civil Rights deal in 1964.

This is just wrong. They don't want to teach about Thomas Jefferson, yet they want to about the most overrated president of all time(Ronald Regan). If schools become more and more like this, then I will make a protest.
Nobody even knows what a redneck is, the term has changes at least half a dozen times, I suppose its supposed to represent the labor force of aMerica which seemingly the rest of the country cant kill off quick enough.

Now when you talk about zombies are you refering to politicians ? gumby yuppies ? or people that listen to rap ?
But I am curious to hear any adults opinions, you know those out in the workforce whether their life has been negatively or positively affected and how they feel about the root of these problems that dates back 30 years with the initiation of moving and selling everything possible out of this country.

Things have been as bad for me as they were when I was unemployed for 2 years. There are no jobs where I live, I haven't had a raise in 3 years, my bills outweigh the amount I'm paid, my house is worth less than the mortgage, and credit is nearly impossible to get...In the meantime, the cost for EVERYTHING keeps going up, up, & up.

As for it going back 30 years, you are correct, and things were MUCH better
for me prosperity-wise in the 80's & 90's.
Things have been as bad for me as they were when I was unemployed for 2 years. There are no jobs where I live, I haven't had a raise in 3 years, my bills outweigh the amount I'm paid, my house is worth less than the mortgage, and credit is nearly impossible to get...In the meantime, the cost for EVERYTHING keeps going up, up, & up.

As for it going back 30 years, you are correct, and things were MUCH better
for me prosperity-wise in the 80's & 90's.

I'm glad at least you still have that job John, I havent been hooked up good for 2 1/2 years now, but unlike you I have minimal bills, my shack sucks but at least I own it, so much for the projects I wanted to get done.

So how do you see the future for the entire country ? A way out of this mess ? Myself I just cant see one, I guess Im looking for hope, inspiration, anything. Prolly harder than finding good new music... LOL
Yeah, 106 is a scorcher. But 102 is pretty normal in LA and I have to work outside:lol:

I've had about 3 years of a shit job. It's interesting work, but the hours suck and the management are incapable assholes. No raise, no promotions (even though I am the perfect candidate), just slaving away! Like John, bills are on the rise, income is on the decline.

I am starting to become seriously concerned as I am also the only person in my immediate family with a real job. I need to ditch it though before it ditches me, and find something better. But therein lies the concern: I can't afford to lose this one until I have a better one lined up. Very stressed lately.
<---Happy (and very fortunate) to be self-employed doing what I love. My condolences to those of you and your loved ones who aren't in the best of situations these days.
^ Win.

I'm looking at 4 more years in fucking college until masters degree, and then at least 2 years of unemployment (unless I'm lucky). I'm actually starting to consider dropping out and fully investing myself into something I love to do instead while it's still soon.

Not an easy decision.
I'm glad at least you still have that job John, I havent been hooked up good for 2 1/2 years now, but unlike you I have minimal bills, my shack sucks but at least I own it, so much for the projects I wanted to get done.

So how do you see the future for the entire country ? A way out of this mess ? Myself I just cant see one, I guess Im looking for hope, inspiration, anything. Prolly harder than finding good new music... LOL

I sometimes am, but I truly believe it is just prolonging the inevitable, loss of home, job, and all the shit I worked my ass off for. I live very modestly in a working class unincorporated town, my house would need a ton of work to even think about selling to break even. If there's no funds to spend on proper upkeep, all I can do is keep taping and nailing shit together when it breaks.
One thing that really affects me is the price of gas. I travel about 100 miles a day roundtrip to my job & back. I fill up twice a week for about $45-$47. I drive a 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix that gets about 26 miles to the gallon. There is NO public transportation option.

The ONLY way we'll see a way out of this mess is unfortunately, some kind of civil war, or revolution. The jobs won't be back as strong as they were before the shit hit the fan, the government (in total) is not doing enough at home to help its citizens in need. Instead, the bailouts go to the big businesses and banks. There is no transparency. Where did all that money go? The pockets of our elected officials are being lined with $'s from special interest groups, and the REAL job they've been elected to do is just a distant memory. You can try to slowly vote them out, but the only real way to effect any kind of change would be to clean house, COMPLETELY.

Yeah, 106 is a scorcher. But 102 is pretty normal in LA and I have to work outside:lol:

I've had about 3 years of a shit job. It's interesting work, but the hours suck and the management are incapable assholes. No raise, no promotions (even though I am the perfect candidate), just slaving away! Like John, bills are on the rise, income is on the decline.

I am starting to become seriously concerned as I am also the only person in my immediate family with a real job. I need to ditch it though before it ditches me, and find something better. But therein lies the concern: I can't afford to lose this one until I have a better one lined up. Very stressed lately.

In the same boat Ken.....I'm getting too old to keep doing something I hate, but the gamble right now is too great to try to change that. I honestly feel completely trapped. Trapped in my home, trapped in my job. I'm looking, but the morsels are very few & far between, and from what I've seen as a hiring manager, there's a LOT of B.S. and false information on a lot of people's resumes today. From work experience to legal status to work in the US, the bullshit and flat out lies are absolutely amazing, and make a hiring person's job that much more difficult.