Official Off Topic Thread

I drink about 7-10 cans of soda a day. Anybody drink that much? It's going to kill me if I don't stop. (Even diet soda is unhealthy.)

I have acne, but it's not terrible. Probably because I wear this beanie with a skull on it for at least 16 hours a day. (Actually, I switch between 2 different beanies with skulls on them.)
7-10 sodas a day? I suggest you stop that immediately, I was drinking that much iced tea in the beginning of the year (better for you but still has just as much sugar) and i felt like shit, started drinking water instead and i feel 1000 times better overall
State the obvious. ;)

But seriously, I'm addicted to it. I can stop. However, the biggest problem is convincing my dad not to buy anymore.

If he does stop, I'll be drinking sugar-free soft drink mix crap. It's about 98% water except with added nutrients (All the vitamin C and crap) so I don't see a problem with it.
My aunt was addicted to coke (the soft drink) and drank so much that her muscles turned to mush, so when she had to have surgery she couldnt cause she wouldnt heal.. pretty ridiculous

Try switching to iced tea to ween yourself off it, thats what i did.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I drink about 7-10 cans of soda a day. Anybody drink that much? It's going to kill me if I don't stop. (Even diet soda is unhealthy.)

geez! I cant drink too much soda (especially stuff like V or Redbull), my kidneys go to shit if I even drink more than 2 or 3 drinks like coke, and any amount of the stuff like redbull (doesnt really stop me though, I still have it)
I almost never drink soda, except sometimes I'll have Bawls if I need to stay up really late and be alert. I just usually drink water, coffee, tea, or some sort of alcoholic beverage (that last part sounds really bad the way I just said it lol).
DoomsdayZach said:
Yeah, and matt can't just have a fucking beer either. He's got to get some fucking weird shit like Absynthe or Mead.

Its actually spelt Absinthe, Zach :)

And before anyone asks, yes I drink real absinthe, no it doesn't make you trip out or hallucinate, and don't you dare light that shit on fire. Ice Water + sugar cube only!

And I DO enjoy a nice dark brew (all time favorite being Diebels, but since I can't find that in the US, I drink Warsteiner Dunkel).

Vodka rocks too, particularly with cranberry, in martinis, and in white russians. Also, caipirihnas are the shit, and I'm a fan of Mr. Walker as well...

Goddamn this post makes me sound like an alcoholic :lol:
I drink soda all the time, but it's really entirely because the sugar and caffine keep me from being a medicated mindless zombie. My medication knocks me out, so sugar and caffine keep me alive.
ptah knemu said:
it's really entirely because the sugar and caffine keep me from being a medicated mindless zombie. .

yeah, thats kinda why I drink it too. sometimes I have one of those red bull sugar drinks. Works wonders for the wee morning hours.