Official Off Topic Thread

The Yngster said:
Thats funny Dado :lol:

I got the Family Guy Season 3 DVD yesterday, its so awesome. 7 hours of Family Guy, even though I've already seen just about all the episodes its worth the money.

That show is sooo awesome. Funniest show ever, beating out Most Extreme Elimination Challenge and Harvey Birdman. Have you seen that banned episode with the Max Weinberg guy?
Yep, I watched it last night, good episode
Max: "Loius thanks for the casserole, but I can't eat it"
Louis: "Oh I see, because its not kosher"
Max: "...... Yeah, lets go with that"

My favorite episodes are "To Live and Die in Dixie", "Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother?", and "And the Weiner is". I cant get over how awesome Stewie's William Shatner impression is.
Anybody like the movie Time Bandits? It's sooo fucked up.



Anyone into shit like Monty Python would dig the hell outta this movie.
I'm goddamn freakin ass hungry... dinner's gonna be out of the oven in about 10 minutes... it's torture waiting. oh, and school started for me today... made it to 2 of three classes. Fuckin' parking. I also got a 20 dollar parking ticket because they decided to turn one of the main lots into a carpool lot without really putting up very many signs, and absolutely nothing that catches the eye. It's bullshit. I'm gonna tell them to go fuck themselves because that's retarded, turning one into a carpool lot and not really mentioning it. oh, and the ass-pain was that i had a friend with me, so TECHNICALLY i was carpooling, but since i didn't have the fuckin' sticker... i'm tired and apparently i have had a worse day than i realized. Now i'm depressed.
I'm not hungry, but school really blows for me too. This is pretty much the first year I've actually had to work, and to be honest... I dont like it! But luckily the teachers are much more lenient when it comes to doing homework (except for my english teacher, she's a bitch). I just hope I can pass my AP finals... On a positive note, November is gonna be the best month of my life with 2 SX concerts and a G3 show. And Early 2004 has new Into Eternity and Iced Earth cd's that I'm really looking forward too. Oh yeah, and being a ninja rules.... Thats all
im on holidays now...for about 3 or 4 days. So thats cool, coz school sucks ass. Opeth might be coming down here in December, and thats a big deal to me because Oepth are the only good band that comes down here and i havent seen a metal band in my life!! So im just shitting myself because if its 18+ i cant go, so im just waiting for the tour dates to come up..

meh, errrrr, waaaaa, baahhhhh!!
i just decided to take a peek at that ninja site.. oh shit man thats funny stuff.. i cant believe all the hate mail where people take that stuff so seriously..sheesh people need a humour check.