Official Off Topic Thread

There's no need to apologize, it's just that you have the Internet at your fingertips (literally), and you can use it for purposes (read: researching) other than posting on forums. It's amazing what you can learn when you look things up yourself.
Beelzebub said:
I'm studying engineering, and this semester I'm taking the last class I need to fill my chemistry requirement, so I guess you can say the stuff is pretty fresh in my mind. Last term my favorite class was calculus. When I was in high school I was such a dork (moreso than I am now o_O ).

What field of engineering are you studying?

Engineering rocks :cool:
Naval architecture/marine engineering. I'm studying to get a license from the Coast Guard so I'll be able to be an engineer on a ship. Because of license requirements, I am required to take some classes that deviate from the norm of what a normal engineering student takes. This term I'm doing a shop course where I am learning advanced lathe operations and welding. It's awesome and I love it when I know what I'm doing :D
Wow, to get on board on a ship being a marine engineer must be very funny and exciting. Im studying engineering too, just started this month and is getting exciting too. Im studying mechatronics, and its kind of funny cause everyone else in my classroom (were just 14 lol) are relatively older than me (Im 17) and its also the first time that I found classmates who also listen to prog. I think this is also the first time Im enjoying what I get taught on school, I studied 1 month in the medicine school, and it sucked :erk: . How many years until you get your degree?
Do you know what the best feeling in the entire world is? The feeling of a freshly set up guitar. Especially one that you set up with your own two hands. (I'm just so happy that my guitar's finally done!!!)
Pedrowzky said:
Wow, to get on board on a ship being a marine engineer must be very funny and exciting. Im studying engineering too, just started this month and is getting exciting too. Im studying mechatronics, and its kind of funny cause everyone else in my classroom (were just 14 lol) are relatively older than me (Im 17) and its also the first time that I found classmates who also listen to prog. I think this is also the first time Im enjoying what I get taught on school, I studied 1 month in the medicine school, and it sucked :erk: . How many years until you get your degree?

Right now I'm in the second semester of my second year. I am supposed to graduate in 2008, but that is entirely dependent on how I do on my license examinations.
5 months to graduation. :) Then I'm Jesus, carpenter with long hair and _if_ I happen to do something it's considered a miracle.
so i went to work today only to find out i was no longer employed there. Hmm, bummer. Oh well, i suppose it's a sign that maybe i should move on with my life eh? Don't want to be getting paid 8.75 an hour for the rest of my life.
this has nothing to do with anything else going on in this thread, but as there really isnt anywhere for it to go...

even though none of you know me (although i've had contact with glenn via email re tshirts), and i'm sure no-one really gives a shit... my "wonderful" hubby - the man for whom i left aussieland to live in alaska - left me for some skanky whore from pennsylvania he met on the internet. the irony here is thats how we met... so anyway, she left her hubby for mine... and i'm back in aussieland and its too bloody hot!!!! stinking hot heatwave last week in adelaide (40+ temps, for the non-metrics, thats well over 110F) and i hate it. i want to go back to alaska but i refuse to be humiliated by him again.
so now i'm going back to university to get a teaching degree... yeeha!! and thats the story of my life since october last year...
hey crapola - good to see you on here again, and that really sucks about your hubby. I take it you really dont like the heat, you sure would hate it here in townsville then (nothing but stinking heat all the time).

hmm while we are talking about the shit in our lives..

my boyfriend of nearly a year called our relationship off the other night because the company he works for has been bought out by a bigger chain and told him and the other managers that their new job description is moving all around the country training up other managers. So he doesnt want to uproot me with my university or my sons schooling because he will have a life of no stability. Yet he wants to seize the opportunity because he thinks it will get him to the financial position he wants to be in faster. I however think it is a terrible opportunity because before this, he had planned to buy his own business (which I feel would get him where he wants to be a hell of a lot faster than slowly working his way through the ranks of a major corporation) and was well on the way to setting up his whole future. I've been trying to talk him out of it and get him back on the path of setting up something himself, and I am pretty sure his family is trying too so I will find out hopefully within the next few weeks or so what he is going to do. It really sucks though because other than this our relationship was near perfect. We practically never fought, great chemistry, both metal heads. I dont know where I'm going to meet another one like that in this town :(
Hopefully he'll work out some shit in his head and come to his senses...maybe he'll realise his mistakes 3-6 months down the track....maybe you've already ground him up and put him in the freezer.
My singer is looking for a woman if things don't work out...if you think you could handle the Fabio that is ;)