Official Off Topic Thread

the reason i dont like COB OT is because the mods don't do a very good job of regulating the assholes there. they let them just have free reign to treat other people however the hell they want.. so i voted for mrfast because we know him around here and he seems pretty decent..although there's no guarantee, hopefully if he was the mod there he would be a good one.. good luck, my vote just pushed you up to 11 anyways so you are currently in the lead.. :headbang:
Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten... Where can you go from there? Where?

Nowhere. Exactly.
yes but i always come back mwahahahaha!!!
That's why I never forget to :worship:. You always come back.

And yes, I got flamed for lobbying Mr. Fast. :lol: Would've put the banner in my sig, but J-Dubs would have something to say about that. And I can't take out the OBP banner, 'cause that would shame my band.

And I also took ull responsibility for messing up that poll, in case anyone's wondering.
I never go on the COB forum, but I went onto it and voted for our MrFast... NOne of the others appear on Symphony X, so it's obvious that he's the superior choice... :worship: :p I'll probably get hammered on there, but I don't really care cos I won't see the response that is inevitable for my comments... :zombie: Good luck man! :)
ach... too late, I voted for ya :)
och hell, I don't like COB, I like clicking radio buttons with cool names and MrFast sounded cool. :D
shit.. i dont even pay attention to post counts.. im only a measly 2 thousand lol..and ive been here under this same name for nearly 4 years now!

Liek OMG I have like 5000 more than you!!!1onne

It's so uberleet, I'm wearing it right now actually :headbang:

Also, stop voting for me. The folks at CoB OT got all butthurt that I'm getting votes from people who aren't regulars there.

:lol: let them eat cake.
You guys should stop whatever you are doing right now, and go look for the movie "Dogma" from Kevin Smith. Man, i am telling you, this is some sick movie, it is amazing. Just buy it, rent it, steal it, do whatever you want, but watch it. I can't think anybody better than Alanis Morisette to play god in a movie :)

Dogma (1999)

PS: This recommendation also includes SilentRealm, as this movie has nothing to do with my bad taste in movies :) Go for it, take my word.