Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: the "good" reasons for not liking someone - like if he's a mass murderer - would leave us with too many people we like in the world. as for the smoking itself, i can separate the smoker from the act thereof, but i do belong to the category of people who simply find it distasteful and often connected to a psychological background i don't approve of (at least that's how it is around here). i understand that many might feel the same about alcohol abuse, something i indulge to quite often, and they're free to hate me even though i'm sure i do not embody the alcoholic archetype (for starters, i never get myself in a state that alters my personality in any perceivable way). i guess we just have to live with other people's opinions even when they border on bias.

Q: do you think i should go living somewhere else?
Sure why not live somewhere else? Although moving out of country or something of that sort would be a big step. If you decided to come to Chicago you'd be in good company :p.

Why cant people see things for how they really are?

A: Not to me, somehow I've never doubted it.

Q: Is a craving to be drunk at least once a week a sign of weak will and intellectual dullness?
A: i seriously hope not. :erk: weak will --> i'm not sure, i guess it depends on what's going on in your life and how do you generally relate to the shit we're all facing daily. intellectual dullness --> i honestly think there is no relation at all, we're not talking about being completely wasted 24/7.

Q: why the hell do i get double line-breaks as a default every time i'm trying to reply? :mad:
in this case, great!

why is the normal reply box black with black letters in mozilla? and why can i enter something into np but not into quick reply?
A: I dont know, it scares me too! u_u,,,

Q: How did I get into this Wazoo-language? u_u,,
(Will I evar get out of it?)

(@Rahvin: That was too damn easy, tsssssssssk! On page 1, I mean. You know what KOEKJE means..!)(Everyone does, right? :p)
because they can be offensive

one of your classmates

men: how long is your penis

women: what cup size are your breasts/what is your bra size
I'd say around 7-7.5, I dont know havent measured it in afew years. Although, I know its as thick as my two thumbs side by side if your looking at them from the top. Good enough Stavros?

Why the penis and boob questions?

A: nobody cares.
also, no kills on this thread. anyone who wants to create trouble can spend the night measuring his penis, provided he can find it.

on to the next question:

Q: why the world?
And Nick has perfect face :rolleyes:

A: Shorter than Nick´s. About just as thick.

Do you like to touch your penis in that way?
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