Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: The animal aid/RSPCA adverts are better than the protect children charity ones... but Im not sure. Maybe Id fund cancer research, because I'm scared I could get cancer, and with my extra £2 a month they might find a cure. Ultimately if I had to choose Id probably choose an animal charity of some form though.

Q: You?
A: Well not exactly - I don't think they should have to get a job and pay taxes, etc. But in terms of love, kindness, and stuff like that, then of course.

Q: Do you like licorice?
A: No. Most people are kinder to their animals than they are to other humans, so it would be wrong to treat animals like humans (because that involves mugging, raping, stabbing and shooting them all the time). Plus if animals were given too much freedom etc. they wouldnt be able to survive in this stupid man made world. I give my cat more love and attention than any of my other family members. The difference being he cant talk back to me.
A2: I used to like it, I havn't had any in ages! Red liqorice is bloody fantastic.

Q: Which animal is the "bastard" of the animal kingdom (not including humans).
A: Looks interesting in pornos, but no.

Q: You?
A: Neither, I doubt I'd get a look in if there was more than one person with me. Although the same would probably apply if there was only one person with me.

Q: Blank brain, so same again.
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