Official Question-Answer Thread

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Nick, please!
..there are children present.

A: There are very few places in girls where they might actually look attractive in my eyes. I won't be getting any myself.

Q: What would you rather be named, Mortimer or Horatio?

Lesbia (I know someone named that..) or Marjorie?
A: Mortimer, because it could be shortened to Mort and then it would be like being called Death.

Q: Is that good or sad? :p
A: Every time I talk to you.

Q: Do you think you'd be able to manage without electricity for a week, and why/why not?
A: It all depends on the delivery. But whenever there's too much it's bad, which is a rather obvious thing to say. :zombie:

Q: Could you manage without food for a week? :p
A: Not enough.

Q: Can anyone tell if Santtu's starting to get drunk yet? ;)

EDIT: Oh fine, she changed the bit with most of the typos :bah:
A: About certain things. Some people are far too well-informed about complete bollocks though.

Edited Q: What do you think of my new sig? ^_^
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