Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: i was used to watch them everyday, but it's a long time i don't turn the tv on anymore

Q: if you could get on a plane right now, where would you fly?
A: Almost anywhere in Sweden

Q: Who do you like more, your mother or your father?
A: I went for a walk around 2AM because I didn't feel like sleepig. Met some interesting people at a gas station, and wandered around the city. Came home hungry, and made food. Quite sleepy, but I feel like listening to music for a while still.

Q: You? :p
A: gotta go to work in 30 minutes *yippie* :p

Q: what are you gonna do today? errr... ok, let's say in 8 hours, since _someone_ had better have some rest, here :p
A: enough to see more of the world

Q: why do i always leave my umbrella in the car when it would be so useful when it rains (like now, for example)? *mpfff*

oh well... later, have a nice whatever :wave: :p
A1: I want to live nine-hundred and thrity-four years approximately. I think that's enough time for me to do all the things I want to do in life. (This is, of course, assuming the biological aging process is proportionally decelerated)

A2: Because 'tis your destiny.

Q: If it was possible for you to know the exact date and time you were going to die (inevitably)
Would you want to?
A: No. Too much anticipation and too suspenseful

Q: What's your favourite fast food restaurant?
a: tolkien, I guess. cliché cliché. but oh so true, I started reading him too early to have any chance of escape :)
and then jonas gardell, of course. he´s brilliant.
as for others, I´d like to say anthony burgess and irvine welsh but I´ve only read one book each...

q: how did this "teh" thing start on this board?
A: Sure, if it's good.

Q: Do you like the rain?
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