Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: 15 minutes driving time.

Q: What's your favourite ice cream flavour?

Q: What one song gives you the chills because it is very emotional?
A: Currently, this country song by Tim McGraw called "Don't take the girl"

Q: How would you describe your level of computer literacy? Beginner, intermediate, expert, etc?
A: Very high intermediate to lower expert in relation to most software, intermediate with hardware configurations.

Q: How long have you been using computers for in your lifetime?
A: Since 1986 or so with the Apple ][e. Got my first PC around 1993.
Q: How often do you do your laundry?
A: Playstation 2. Not a fan of the X-box, and until Gamecube starts developing a few more interesting games, its gonna stay PS2. With classics like Devil May Cry and Final Fantasy X, its hard to beat.

Q: Your opinion on X-box?
a: :lol:

q: if you could get to ask anyone (dead or alive, real or fiction) a question, who would it be and what would you ask?

well, yes that´s kind of two questions. hope you don´t mind. :)
A1: "Koekje?"
(To anyone, I mean.. koekjes :rolleyes:
A2: Yes, I do mind :rolleyes:
(@AGtranq: :lol: )
(@Steve: He didnt even answer your question! :lol:

Q: Linear or hybrid? :err:
(Wtf :p)

(I didnt answer too serious, hope you dont mind :lol:
Had a lot of chocolate and koekjes today :lol:
Want some? ;) (question two :p :lol: )
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