Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: New year's eve at this hall place..All my friends were there and i had a great time with some of them. And i also seemed to have a great time DANCING (which i NEVER do :lol: ) with a friend of mine all night until 6 am, haha. Ah, fun times :p

Q: same
A: It started, and then it ended. The rest of it was damn boring, as all of them always have been.

Q: What's the worst party you've been to, ever??
A1: My only relatives that i like are my grandma and two of my cousins. And if family counts, my sister and her almost-husband.
A2: My baby cousins should be killed. And if family counts, my other sister should be raped and killed.

Q: Favorite relative? (siblings and parents don't count)
A: no i never had either..i was thinking of getting a tattoo, but i dont know what and where

Q: any suggestions?
A: Around 12:00 to 1:00 am.

Q: What's your favourite van Gogh artwork?
OnyxDragon98 said:
A: no i never had either..i was thinking of getting a tattoo, but i dont know what and where

Q: any suggestions?
My suggestion is that if you don't know what you want and where and why, then don't get one. A tattoo shouldn't be something that you think looks cool at the moment, it should be something you've considered for years, and that has a personal meaning to you. I've been tempted to get a tattoo for a while, and i've already drawn the picture, but i'm going to wait a couple of years and see if i still want the same picture then, and if it still means what it means to me now. It's going to be there for my whole life, so i'm not planning on just randomly getting something that i think is cool, just to regret it for the rest of my life after a while.
My sister's tattoo rules. She draw it when she was 16, and she's 24 now and is going to get it done soonish. Though i think she's making a mistake with changing the letters on it. It's got the first letters of her name, T.M, but now she's getting married and changing the M to an L because of her new name. I think she shouldn't do that, because she might get divorced and get married again and stuff, so...
I also wouldn't get a giant tattoo, because if i started to regret it a smaller one would be easier to ignore and hide. Erm..I'll stop rambling now :shame:
A:not too good with the names of his works.

Q: Has anything interesting happened to anyone in the last few months.

ATT ONYX DRAGON: you should get whatever sized tattoo you want as long as you get it because it means something to you. im not a fan of people going in and getting something off the wall because they want a tat. thats not what tatoo's are about, its an art form and if the tattoo is meaningless then its a waste of money.:)
idari said:
My suggestion is that if you don't know what you want and where and why, then don't get one. A tattoo shouldn't be something that you think looks cool at the moment, it should be something you've considered for years, and that has a personal meaning to you. I've been tempted to get a tattoo for a while, and i've already drawn the picture, but i'm going to wait a couple of years and see if i still want the same picture then, and if it still means what it means to me now. It's going to be there for my whole life, so i'm not planning on just randomly getting something that i think is cool, just to regret it for the rest of my life after a while.
My sister's tattoo rules. She draw it when she was 16, and she's 24 now and is going to get it done soonish. Though i think she's making a mistake with changing the letters on it. It's got the first letters of her name, T.M, but now she's getting married and changing the M to an L because of her new name. I think she shouldn't do that, because she might get divorced and get married again and stuff, so...
I also wouldn't get a giant tattoo, because if i started to regret it a smaller one would be easier to ignore and hide. Erm..I'll stop rambling now :shame:

yah your completely right..i dont even think i would get one anyways...because then if i didnt like it..oh whoops..its only going to be there the rest of my life :p
but yah thanks for pointing that out :)
and thanks for your input too IRMHAIA

edit: ah yes
A: no nothing at all..

Q: you?
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