Official reputation thread

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Thraxfan69 said:
Can everybody please give me negative rep? I can see what happens when everybody gets good rep...I want to see what happens when somebody gets lots of bad rep, and I'm willing to take the fall.

Hurt me!!!
And just to be clear, I will return postive rep to everyone that gives me negative rep, so let me know who you are so I can return the favor.
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I'm not sure, I think Thraxfan69 doesn't have enough posts under his belt to give meaningful rep. He gave me a grey dot, not a green one or a red one, and my reputation score didn't change.

I'm slowly trying to figure out how this reputation thing works, and it seems the higher a post count you have, the more points are given out for a single postive rep. For example, I got no points from Thraxfan, 1 point from Metal Maiden, but I got 10 or 11 points when xeno repped me.
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