Official THANK YOU Thread


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
First of all, we’d like to send a HUGE thank you to everyone that attended, supported, promoted and otherwise helped make this fest happen. It was an absolute blast, and everyone from fans to bands had a great time indulging in a weekend of metal mayhem!

More specifically, we’d like to thank the bands for being so great to work with, being a part of Powerfest 2007, and for kicking all kinds of ass; Ralf Walter and Brian Gordon (the two-man stage crew) for busting HUGE ass to keep the show moving, gear changeovers happening fast and helping to get, acquire and set-up all the gear; Chris Buckley (all the way from the UK) for the killer sound and extreme volume (METAL! Haha); Alina Hernes for all the hard work with merch, transport and other shiznit; Frank Mastalerz/FM entertainment for his help/guidance and for allowing the gig to happen at The Pearl Room; Mike Nelson, stage manager extraordinaire, for keeping the stage moving and not taking any shit; Adam and Greg from the house sound company for monitors, mic’ing and being cool; Joe for the killer lights and helping to get us set up with the beer/catering stuff; the security and general staff at The Pearl Room for being so cooperative and accommodating; Jorry Rode for the hard work with the hotels; Mark from Metal Haven and Steve from Impulse for selling tickets and for their continued support; Scott Alisoglu of Metal Maniacs & Jodi Michael; Jeff Pizek of The Daily Herald; Jessi Virtusio of The Star; The Illinois Entertainer; Aaron Broderick, Andy Bach, Laura Naples and anyone else that helped us promote the show by passing out flyers; and last, but certainly not least, all of our sponsors, Lance King and Nightmare Records, Nick Martinelli and Netfusion Designs/The Shred Zone, Dan Gronowski and Dark Prints, Sam Ash, Shure, Rachel Sosnowy, and Rob Kachluba...we couldn’t have done this without you! We’re eternally grateful to each and everyone one of you and to anyone else that deserves to be here and weren’t mentioned; please know that you belong here just the same!

We certainly had a blast this year, and let’s hope that with everyone's help we can do this again next year and kick a higher level of ass!

Chris, Rob and John
CRJ Productions