Official video game thread - what are you playing?!

Path of Exile is cool, but it got old for me kind of fast.

I just finished Shadowrun Dragonfall, which was as amazing as its predecessor was. Excellent writing. Better than lots of novels I've read.

Currently I'm playing FFIV, which I got on Steam through a Humble Store sale, and Fight the Dragon, which is a mix of Diablo style hack'n'loot and player generated content. Very fun and fresh take on that style.

Yea, I'm enjoying Path of Exile much more than Diablo 3. Diablo 3 is dumbed down too much and they made the game way too easy. I think the main reason I enjoy Path of Exile is due to the complexity of it. In order to have a successful build you really have to plan ahead and the really complex passive skill tree gives you a ton of options..... Plus of course it's free to play :)....It's one of the FEW games that I feel as if I've mastered over the last 2 years.......Took me forever to hit level 95, and stuck right now at level 98.....
I picked up a cheap copy of Arkham Origins and am playing that now. While it is decent so far, it is obvious it was made by the B team. There seems to be a lack of polish of sorts.
Picked up AC4 Black Flag and Hitman Code 47 for cheap at the Steam sale. WoW is keeping me too busy to start anything new for a couple more months, though.
My PS3 died earlier this year and I haven't played a game since :(

I am not ready (nor do I think it's worth it for me) getting a PS4 just yet. With that said, if anyone has a used PS3 they want to part with, please let me know. I'm in the market for an used one... :)
The Blu-ray drive in my PS3 fat (BC) died earlier this year. I need to ship it off for repair,'s not that critical to me right now.
Anyone ever played "The binding of Isaac"? that game is incredibly hard, but incredibly addicting as well.............Super cheap on steam!
I started playing Risk of Rain. Ostensibly I did this because I enjoy dying a lot.
Haha. I downloaded the demo at my son's request. After 5 minutes and about 100 deaths we decided to delete it.

Right now I am playing Dragon Age: Origins for the first time and loving it.
Haha. I downloaded the demo at my son's request. After 5 minutes and about 100 deaths we decided to delete it.

That's what drove me to conquer! I'm one rare drop and one bugged unlock from 100% in game completion. I've got 100% achievements already.

Right now I am playing Dragon Age: Origins for the first time and loving it.

Loved that game. Played it once as a mage and once as a rogue and had a blast both ways. I also totally slutted it up with everyone.
Anyone want in for the Heroes of the Storm beta? I've got access to around 10 keys that are up for grabs.
You guys should check out Crypt of the Necrodancer. It's an 8-bit-looking, rogue-like (meaning you explore a dungeon and think you're doing great, only to die stupidly. Often.) where you move to the beat of the in-game music. The monsters all move to the beat. As long as you move to the beat, you get score multipliers. If you miss a beat, you lose that. The music that comes with the game is fairly techno/dance, but.... can use any music you want. You import a song for a level and it calculates the beat. Then, when you play that level, you hear that song and play to that beat. You have to be careful which music you choose though, as a lot of the more proggy stuff doesn't work well. It needs to have a pretty strong beat throughout the song. That said, I've found a few songs that work well including BOD - Don't Fear the Reaper, and the three Amorphis songs I've tried so far have worked well. I was surprised that the Volbeat songs I tried didn't work very well as they had changes in tempo, or periods where the beat becomes less obvious.

Still, it's fun.
Being at the cutting edge of video games, I recently finished Dead Space 3, played a little bit of Heavy Rain but stopped when I was required to use my controller to tie the necktie of another character, and am going to dive into The Evil Within next.
I've been working my way through South Park: Stick Of Truth. I have mixed feelings about it. They do a good job of replicating the look of the show, but a lot of the time it feels like the greatest hits of stuff and doesn't have the strong satire. It has been fun, but probably could have been more.
Dragon Age Inquisition. Fun, but didn't like half the party options, and still lacking a lot of the charm of the original. Ton of side quests to keep you occupied, though.
Dragon Age Inquisition. Fun, but didn't like half the party options, and still lacking a lot of the charm of the original. Ton of side quests to keep you occupied, though.

Loved it, such an improvement over DA2 (which I still liked even though a lot of people hated). My play through lasted 150 hours, playing on nightmare difficulty and literally doing every single thing in the game. I agree though that Dragon Age Origins is still the best in the series.