Official video game thread - what are you playing?!

Loved it, such an improvement over DA2 (which I still liked even though a lot of people hated). My play through lasted 150 hours, playing on nightmare difficulty and literally doing every single thing in the game. I agree though that Dragon Age Origins is still the best in the series.

Oh, I liked DA2 as well, it's just not as quotable, and I was sort of pissed at what they did to Anders after Awakening. I wish they'd brought Isabela over to DA3, too, instead of Sera, who was incredibly annoying.

I got tired of tactics back during DAO, so I usually run the game on Easy so I can just be done with it. It took long enough just to take down dragons as it was - it took me about 120 hours, doing almost every single side quest. I think the only thing I didn't finish were the mosaics.
Speaking of Bioware games, I just got done with Jade Empire. For a decade old game, it holds up fairly well.

I have been tempted to go back and play that, I think I will since you say it holds up. I always felt like I was one of the few people that loved that game. I wish they would do something with that property again.
I have been tempted to go back and play that, I think I will since you say it holds up. I always felt like I was one of the few people that loved that game. I wish they would do something with that property again.

Just as a note, getting it running on a modern PC takes some tweaking, and it wasn't without its quirks. That being said, the issues I had could be worked around. The graphics scaled up well, tho the cutscenes looked as fuzzy as you'd think they'd would.
Just as a note, getting it running on a modern PC takes some tweaking, and it wasn't without its quirks. That being said, the issues I had could be worked around. The graphics scaled up well, tho the cutscenes looked as fuzzy as you'd think they'd would.

Did it have controller support or did you use mouse and keyboard? If the latter, how did it work? I still have a functioning Xbox, so I bet I could track it down fairly cheap.
Civilization - Rising Tide. My favorite part of Sid Meier's Alien Crossfire was the seafaring civ, so I've been happily playing around on archipelago maps with the North Sea Alliance, getting the hang of things. They overhauled diplomacy and added in some interesting new features that gives you a much better idea of where you stand with the other civs and what you need to focus on if you want to change that.
I just noticed it was my two year anniversary playing Dota 2 the other day (two days and two weeks). Yep. Still addicted.
Did it have controller support or did you use mouse and keyboard? If the latter, how did it work? I still have a functioning Xbox, so I bet I could track it down fairly cheap.

Sorry for the late response. Yeah, it has controller support, but I honestly felt like the keyboard controls were better, partially because you could access up to eight of his powers via shortcut keys, while I think you could only access four on the controller.
I'm still playing Heroes of the Storm. I also recently got into a Russian MMO called Skyforge, which, though buggy as hell and definitely still beta, is a really cool concept with a very neat setting. I'm enjoying it a good bit.
I finished Halo 5 and enjoyed it. I heard so much bitching about the story, I expected it to be bad. I had zero problems with the story. I'm not going to sit here and tell you the story was the best thing ever, but it was on par with what it needed to be for a tent pole big budget FPS. I don't go into these games looking for a experience like Bioshock Infinite.
I'm always sort of amused about complaints regarding an FPS' story. It's not a genre known for sweeping tales, you know... I mean, Doom said "you're on mars, shit went South...get guns and go!" and it's one of the best games ever.

The first game to knock off nightly dota in two years. Not bad.