Oh no! Another Non-Metal Thread!

Jeff Buckley is great. I especially liked SKetches for My Sweetheart the Drunk

Dredg was gay.

Radiohead is OK, though you guys (and the mainstream) overhype them.

I remember hearing Pedro the Lion quite some time ago. Was OK.
holy shit, that where is my mind song actually makes me mad. Hate that shit!
Worst. Post. Ever.

The Pixies are fucking amazing. Surfer Rosa is absolute PANTS. I still need to pick up their other stuff.

Do The Pogues count? No. But they rule immensely.

Love Dredg. Except the new one. It's teh poop.
The Moon & Antarctica is fucking phenomenal.

Agreed, one of the best indie album I've heard. I actually bought Good News For People Who Love Bad News (the one with Float On) yesterday and its damn cool too, much more infectious and relaxed than The Moon...

Pixies, Sonic Youth, Jeff Buckley and Radiohead are all fantastic.

Recently been enjoying:
Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I
Xiu Xiu - Fabulous Muscles
The Beta Band - The Three E.P.'s

I See a Darkness is a bit overhyped by some people but it at least half the songs on that album are excellent. That Joanna Newsom album everyone was raving aout last year is also a complete winner.
any opinions on Thom Yorke's The Eraser from last year???? I need to give that more time.

I didn't like it too much, but then I'm not a big fan of the Kid A detour either. It's taken a while to grow on me and I couldn't go through that all over again with The Eraser.

If nobody ever mentioned The Bends here or in the mainstream, J would be gay for it, I'll bet $100 if that could be scientifically proved. :loco: EDIT: proven

Funny thing about non-metal (or, indie-alt, post rock stuff) is that if you stick a fucken label on it that says ULVER or SWANS then people go ga ga for it.
Agreed, one of the best indie album I've heard. I actually bought Good News For People Who Love Bad News (the one with Float On) yesterday and its damn cool too, much more infectious and relaxed than The Moon...

Strangley enough, that one, GNFPWLBN, is the lowest rated one out of their collection...albeit 4/5 stars. :tickled:

I am really looking forward to hearing more of these dudes. SO fucking infectious. Its all over the place too.
If nobody ever mentioned The Bends here or in the mainstream, J would be gay for it, I'll bet $100 if that could be scientifically proved. :loco: EDIT: proven

Funny thing about non-metal (or, indie-alt, post rock stuff) is that if you stick a fucken label on it that says ULVER or SWANS then people go ga ga for it.

Give this man a pat on the back. :)
The Pixies are fucking amazing. Surfer Rosa is absolute PANTS. I still need to pick up their other stuff.

yeah, I knew NAD would be all over the Pixies

The lyrics are fucken INSANE. Taken from "Monkey gone to Heaven":

Man is 5
And if Man is 5, the devil is 6
The devil is 6
The devil is 6
And if the devil is 6, god is 7
god is 7
god is 7
my monkey's gone to heaven!

Come on, that's amost as good as Osgood Slaughter's "Ack goes the Badger".
So I went through university between 89-93. That's pretty much a huge turning point in music:

- Megadeth's Rust in Peace, finally proving that Megadeth > Metallica in '90
- metal dies in the mainstream and goes underground
- grunge rears its ugly head, kills off glam rock and anything else metal related
- the explosion of Guns n' Roses - I mean, these guys filled Wembley Stadium
- indie / alternative out of the Manchester scene still flowing strong with some GREAT stuff

So with that in mind, another great band from back in my day:



folkish-post punk indie

fucking people go on and on about Joy Division because it's "cool" to like Joy Division -- and it probably is -- but let's not forget fucking New Model Army

Read this
Dredg is fantastic (including 'Catch Without Arms', which includes help from Queensryche's Chris DeGarmo!)

I've tried to get on the Buckley hypewagon, but always fall off.

I saw an 'Austin City Limits' once with the Pixies, and they annoyed the hell out of me for some reason. Might have just been my mood at the time though.

Ours - 'Distorted Lullabies' is real good.

There's Ambulette/Denali (I love Maura Davis's voice)

Can we mention Muse here? Sing for Absolution, baby.

Cursive - 'Happy Hollow' has been rockin' my rocks for the past year.

I can even dig on some Sufjan Stevens if I'm in the right mood.

New Model Army is getting a bit far afield, but I really like 'Eight' (strangely 'Thunder & Consolation' didn't do much for me)

But while we're a bit far afield, I throw out Nick Cave, who has made at least two brilliant albums ('No More Shall We Part' and 'Abattoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus').

I still mostly just dabble in these spheres though, because a lot of it is just boring crap.

If nobody ever mentioned The Bends here or in the mainstream, J would be gay for it, I'll bet $100 if that could be scientifically proved. :loco: EDIT: proven

Funny thing about non-metal (or, indie-alt, post rock stuff) is that if you stick a fucken label on it that says ULVER or SWANS then people go ga ga for it.

I will say this. In my brief Radiohead stint, The Bends and Kid A were my faves.

Swans is great, but I only like a few of their albums.
this thread has prompted me to projectile vomit.

this reminds me of the conversation i had this morning where my gf asked me if i liked the white stripes and i almost punched her in the face. well not really. but fuck indie.