Hardly. They did something remotely close to symphonic black metal in the typical 90's Austrian vein (think Korova, Golden Dawn...) on an old split with Amestigon, but then immediately set the controls to their baroque, avant-garde and Russian-theatre-inspired galaxy. They kept some owl shrieks at first, granted.
As to the test of time thing, I grew indeed indifferent to most of their stuff, with the exception of said album and the previous one (Das Schachbrett des Trommelbuben Zacharias), which both unfailably send the shivers running, and account for a healthy note of unconventional, jew-loving goodness on my shelves.
I would NOT recommend their latest offering though (Ein Toter fährt gern Ringelspiel), which simply pushes the theatrical approach to the extreme at the costs of the melody, and is utterly non enjoyable for non-proficient German speakers.