Oh ye of lightning fast finger speed


May 12, 2002
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I'm kind of curious, since I don't really have any reference points for my learning curve: How long did it take you ultrafast people to develop, well let's say, thrash speed fingerpicking?
Really good question... I´m beggining to become bored. Just practicing but not seeing any improvement... I still use a pick, it´s a shame =(

Ps: String Skipping sux
for me personally i can only really see a difference when i'm all warmed up, sometimes i surprise myself.

when it comes to problems with string skipping and pretty much anything i just tend to take it real slow, relax and practice the movement until i make it work... helps alot when i encouter problems with string skipping and such.
well i use Tyr's fingerpicking technique and i can go quite fast, i can play stuff like Metallica's "Damage inc"or Death's "Overactive imagination" but i started to exercise on my ring finger about 8 months ago. lot of patience, stretching, warm up and exercise is all you need to develop this technique.
String Skipping: Jump from one string to another. Can do it by simple picking the other string or doing the "sweep picking" (play the strings with just one movement)

I really don't get the Tyr's technique at all...

Is it posted somewhere with explanation of how it works?
Mail him and ask for it. I don't think I could do his technique though, I'm already set in the 3-2-1-2, even though I'm not very fast at it yet.

Tyr goes 3-2-1-3-2-1 and places the accents differently to avoid triplet feel. Or that's how I understood it anyway.
Originally posted by Higon
So he does triplets? Doesn't it sounds like gallop? If not, should be easyer then master Steve's technique.

As far as I have understood it you just play all the notes equally fast and in order to compensate the unequal sounds that each finger make you accentuate notes in certain patterns.

Here is a powertab example that Tyr made and mailed to some of us a while ago. I hope he doesn't mind that spread it to others.


(all is in the bass score 'F3')
Nah, he places his accents like:


That way, it shouldn't sound like galloping... this is probably the trickiest technique I've ever heard of...

edit: it's really tricky to draw stuff out like this :-/
Man, if you even think you can use one technique; you're crazy. I was just showing off the lesson column I did illustrating the right hand technique that goes 3-2-1-2. If I really think about it, I'm probably mostly using the 3-2-1 accent displacment thing. It's way faster I think and if you can get your fingers going in a rhythm to the beat, weather it's 16th's, triplets or whatever, then I think it's the best "speed picking" way. If I was asked to do a follow up lesson column I probably would have elaborated on the 3-2-1 displacing accents. But m'man Tyr is much more educated and eloquent at describing it, so I'm glad he's here to put it into examples.
There are indeed many ways to play and no one can say that one way is the best way, because everyone's hand's are different. I use just one finger as much as I can, and I know a lot of bassists don't like to do that. They'd rather alternate slow strokes between two fingers. So what's good for you might not be good for the other. Most fast parts that aren't too fast I use two fingers, 2-1-2-1, I can get em going pretty fast. But I mean by that example that it totally depends on the song the part and what gets the notes out the best.
So 3-2-1, and 3-2-1-2 yourselves silly...but just play the shit!
Ya I can hit like Deicide and Cannibal like that I just wish Tyr had told me that I was right when I was 16 or 17 but I work on getting my 2 and 3 fingers as fast as my 1 and 2. I do Tyr's way when we're jamming.

My problems is that my pinky gets tired from it "haning in the air" does anyone got any advise on pinky control or on not hitting/ muting the next string (...avoiding the "claw")?
Originally posted by Charlotte the Harlot

My problems is that my pinky gets tired from it "haning in the air" does anyone got any advise on pinky control or on not hitting/ muting the next string (...avoiding the "claw")?

When I play speedy stuff like "Ye Entrancemperium"(Emperor) , "Genuine Pulse" (Borknagar), "The Scorn Torrent" (Satyricon); which is mostly linear and quite easy on the left hand , but which requires stamina on the right hand ; I don't really focus on what my pinky finger does , it just hangs there , and it hits nothing , but I don't have a problem with that. ;)

But for stuff which is less inhuman in the speed department , but is more technical and difficult to play , I use my thumb , ringfinger (the ringfinger alternates between muting and playing , depending on what I'm playing of course) and sometimes the pinky to actively mute strings while I play with index and middlefinger . I also use this technique to mute the notes I've hit.
I can work out an example for this with PowerTab (again :lol: ) , and send it to Coypu , I just have to work out how to write it so that it is easy to understand. It's similar to what Gary Willis is doing.
But I mean by that example that it totally depends on the song the part and what gets the notes out the best.

Agree... My problem now is to develop fucking fast finger picking. At slow parts, I do really well, but when it comes to the fast-one string-line I fail miserably...

I'll try with Tyr's technique.