Ok, Get in Here

Demilich said:
"mommy, why is that man using his left hand to assault that fucking faggot?"

Dude I have no problem if my child witnessed such an act. You pointing such a thing out as "wrong", only validates how pussified the world is. A man can murder someone, and people of your mentality will say. "Why should we lower ourselves to his level?" Yea let the fucker live a luxurious 3 meal a day, warm bed, gym and jacuzzi lifestyle in the pen. We don't want to infringe on his right to kill now do we! This may appear to be a serious digression on my part, but the correlation is quite simple. As most people will share the same sentiment regarding both topics. People have grown too lenient towards vermin. And this all stems from being reared by a bundle of yarn, as opposed to a pair of boxing gloves.

I'm not saying everyone should go out and beat up queers for floating down the sidewalk. But if 2 men walk down the street holding hands, you bet your ass a person has the right to say, "hey dude wtf, take that shit somewhere else!" Actions need to be met with consequences.
Reign in Acai said:
But if 2 men walk down the street holding hands, you bet your ass a person has the right to say, "hey dude wtf, take that shit somewhere else!" Actions need to be met with consequences.

Okay, at this point I assume it's complete trolling but I'm still curious about something. What do people with this point of view think about societies where straight men hold hands, sit very close, etc?
Opeth17 said:
For me to say something like I prefer Blood Red Throne to Metallica, a ridiculous statement to almost everyone here (henke where art thou:p )

Hello there :)

I think this thread has been derailed a bit, but I agree with what you had to say in your initial post. I dislike all the "big name bands" such as Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden (except about four songs), etc. but I generally shut up about it because it's a very delicate matter for quite a lot of the regular posters. Somehow it's almost a cardinal sin to openly admit that one dislikes one of the FUCKING FOREFATHERS DUUUUDE PAY HOMAGE OR PISS OFF bands. I generally keep a low profile in threads such as these because I know I'm in the minority, and I'm not keen on participating in 20 page long flame wars trying to explain why I like unknown band X better than Black Sabbath.
Reign in Acai said:
Dude I have no problem if my child witnessed such an act. You pointing such a thing out as "wrong", only validates how pussified the world is. A man can murder someone, and people of your mentality will say. "Why should we lower ourselves to his level?" Yea let the fucker live a luxurious 3 meal a day, warm bed, gym and jacuzzi lifestyle in the pen. We don't want to infringe on his right to kill now do we! This may appear to be a serious digression on my part, but the correlation is quite simple. As most people will share the same sentiment regarding both topics. People have grown too lenient towards vermin. And this all stems from being reared by a bundle of yarn, as opposed to a pair of boxing gloves.

Man, people can kill WHOEVER they want. They'll go to jail for it, but they can sure as fuck just do it if they're prepared to accept the consequences. Same with being gay. Same with beating gays. Whether I think those consequences are fair is another issue, but thats worlds away from my offhand joke about a lefthanded guy (sick/depraved 100 years ago) beating up a gay (sick/depraved now). my point: wait 100 years and see if your beloved U.S.A. has the same understandings of what constitutes deviance.
or kiss each other?
Thanatopsis123 said:
Okay, at this point I assume it's complete trolling but I'm still curious about something. What do people with this point of view think about societies where straight men hold hands, sit very close, etc?

Nothing wrong with it aslong as you aren't fellating the other man's filafel.
The United States wont be a viable country in a 100 years in any sense of the term anyway.
"Hundreds of years from now, brave straight men will tell tales to there children of the evil gay people who slowly crept in and caused the destruction of our great nation."
well, we'll have a totally gay heirarchy because of the gays and we'll still rule because:

Pentagon plans online information war.

“[T]he US wants to take control of the Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum, allowing US war planners to dominate mobile phones, PDAs, the web, radio, TV and other forms of modern communication. That could see entire countries denied access to telecommunications at the flick of a switch by America,” the Sunday Herald reports.
Demilich said:
wait 100 years and see if your beloved U.S.A. has the same understandings of what constitutes deviance.

Whatever the majority deems right and wrong is irrelvant. No need to wait 100 yrs, to see the acceptance of this movement of sexual abomination. It's already here, as this board can clearly attest. I for one don't plan on being washed away in the sea of tolerance. I can't now, or will ever dignify such a stigma as being acceptable. Nothing short of the evolution of men bearing children would be able to convert me in thought.
lizard said:
“[T]he US wants to take control of the Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum, allowing US war planners to dominate mobile phones, PDAs, the web, radio, TV and other forms of modern communication. That could see entire countries denied access to telecommunications at the flick of a switch by America,” the Sunday Herald reports.

Holy crap it's just like that Kurt Russel movie.
Hey everyone, let's watch liberals make mountains out of mole hills. Why does everything dealing with the U.S govt have to be sensationalized? Do you really think some dude is going to sit at a pc for 8 hrs listening to your conversations? Or they'll just shut down communication on a whim? Yea o.k U.S.A [/bloodsport] If this will booster national security in any way shape or form, bring it on. Security>Privacy

Lizard makes a 2 sentence statement out of the blue and Mr Bush is a tyrant.
Reign in Acai said:
Lizard makes a 2 sentence statement out of the blue and Mr Bush is a tyrant.

I'm not sure, but I vaguely recall seeing something somewhere within the past five years that lead me to believe this isn't the first time anyone's said anything like that.