Ok, Get in Here

En Vind Av Sorg said:
The United States wont be a viable country in a 100 years in any sense of the term anyway.
Wouldn't surprise me to be perfectly honest. Not that sticking our nose in everyone's business is something new, or exclusive to one political party, but with widespread media these days, many more people see what's going on. For years I've thought China would be the next big superpower, and now that US companies like Chevy are giving them lots of cash, it'll be our own damn fault.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
"Hundreds of years from now, brave straight men will tell tales to there children of the evil gay people who slowly crept in and caused the destruction of our great nation."
Reign in Acai said:
Hey everyone, let's watch liberals make mountains out of mole hills. Why does everything dealing with the U.S govt have to be sensationalized? Do you really think some dude is going to sit at a pc for 8 hrs listening to your conversations? Or they'll just shut down communication on a whim? Yea o.k U.S.A [/bloodsport] If this will booster national security in any way shape or form, bring it on. Security>Privacy

Lizard makes a 2 sentence statement out of the blue and Mr Bush is a tyrant.

control your own shit, stay the fuck out of my shit.
Reign in Acai said:
Hey everyone, let's watch liberals make mountains out of mole hills. Why does everything dealing with the U.S govt have to be sensationalized?

This is odd, considering you are making a mountain out of a mole hill (what the hell do I care if 2 dudes want to butt poke?) and are sensationalizing the issue ("gays are going to bring about the downfall of our society!"). Hysteria indeed
Dick Sirloin said:
This is odd, considering you are making a mountain out of a mole hill (what the hell do I care if 2 dudes want to butt poke?) and are sensationalizing the issue ("gays are going to bring about the downfall of our society!"). Hysteria indeed

Reign in Acai said:
Men were made to be men. Homosexuality is a disease that falls strictly on the parent(s) who raised them. You aren't born a queer. So why should I tolerate such a life choice? If there were more men around teaching young lads to grow up and be men, then many social ills that are seen today would not be as widespread. Rather than being raised a fruitcake who goes on and chomps a different chode every day of the week. That person can be raised to be a respectful human being that thinks more highly of himself than being regarded as a "walking chapped asshole". That person can then go on to find himself a decent significant other (by this term I mean WOMAN), and live a life joined in a healthy relationship. A relationship where love can be displayed in it's rightful way. There's a reason why a penis fits perfectly in a vagina. Man is made to be with a Woman. Make no mistake about, a person who loves another individual of the same sex is suffering from a mental deficiency! This sickness should be treated right alongside dementia, and schizophrenia. If society continues to accept these ills, it won't be long before the lines of gender become blurred. As if they haven't already been. How rare is it to see a woman acting like a lady? How rare is it to see a man act like a MAN? The roles are being reversed. And much of it is due in part to queers and the liberals who support them. Hell it's no wonder why divorce rates are so high. The husband and wife were never shown an example of how to fit their role. The happiest longest marriages you will come to find usually show a set role between the two parties. How can these roles be filled properly when they were reared to be a sensitive "go ahead and express your feelings" crybabies?

Reign in Acai said:
Dude I have no problem if my child witnessed such an act. You pointing such a thing out as "wrong", only validates how pussified the world is. A man can murder someone, and people of your mentality will say. "Why should we lower ourselves to his level?" Yea let the fucker live a luxurious 3 meal a day, warm bed, gym and jacuzzi lifestyle in the pen. We don't want to infringe on his right to kill now do we! This may appear to be a serious digression on my part, but the correlation is quite simple. As most people will share the same sentiment regarding both topics. People have grown too lenient towards vermin. And this all stems from being reared by a bundle of yarn, as opposed to a pair of boxing gloves.

I'm not saying everyone should go out and beat up queers for floating down the sidewalk. But if 2 men walk down the street holding hands, you bet your ass a person has the right to say, "hey dude wtf, take that shit somewhere else!" Actions need to be met with consequences.

In broad terms I agree with this man even if I find him a bit extreme. How the fuck can you deny that man+woman=true and correct and nature's way??

Also, humanity in general (Well, the western world = THE world) is getting pussified. Noone can take anything anymore, though if need arises we can still bite the enemy to death, rape their women and burn their crops just for the hell of it. Or something. This is one of my "I have a good thought in my head but can't be arsed to explain it so noone will understand but luckily I don't really give a shit"-posts.
@ Demilich

What question? All I see are statements in the past several replies. Are you referring to the accusation of me sensationalizing the topic of homosexuality? If so, this was never done. In order to sensationalize, I would've had to of exaggerated my viewpoints. This was never done. I assure you everything that was said was 100% the way I feel, and wasn't done to arouse anybody.
Doom said:
Demilich, you have literally made like a bazillion posts today.

Yeah, I get really into this stuff sometimes. My theory is that I get argumentative when I have to write for school. This morning I edited a book review I wrote earlier this week, and being brought in contact with that "argument" got me in the mood for MORE! normally, the things i'm arguing about would bother me but i'd be too stoned/lazy to bother
Then stop accusing so-called liberals of sensationalizing. You don't know that they don't have the same conviction as you, so why bother pointing fingers, especially when you're so sure of your own convictions. Hypocrisy is what it sounds like.
Because there's no such thing as "nature's way". Look at it like you look at religion. I see no old bearded guy up in the sky telling me what to do, so I don't believe in one. I see no indication from nature that any one way is right and the others are wrong, so I don't believe in one. Gay people don't hurt me. They only destroy society if we demonize them to the point that even seeing them kissing in public becomes a problem. Why are they "wrong" or "sick" or whatever? So they like to put penises where you don't think penises should go. Good for you.

This is one of those things too, where I can't fully get it into words, but I believe it 100% and am not likely to revert to "omg difference! ATTACK!" mentality any time soon.
fotmbm said:
Can someone answer my question please?
I thought I did with my titfucking comment about 13513 pages ago. Obviously in order for procreation to work, a male and female must be involved. But I sure as hell don't screw to make a kid, in fact one of the goals is to NOT make one in the process.

How many of you fornicate solely for matters of procreation? I can guarantee my friend who just got a vasectomy still plans on banging his wife. Sex is a pleasurable act. If you enjoy ploughing some other dude, go for it.
Demilich said:
Because there's no such thing as "nature's way". Look at it like you look at religion. I see no old bearded guy up in the sky telling me what to do, so I don't believe in one. I see no indication from nature that any one way is right and the others are wrong, so I don't believe in one. Gay people don't hurt me. They only destroy society if we demonize them to the point that even seeing them kissing in public becomes a problem. Why are they "wrong" or "sick" or whatever? So they like to put penises where you don't think penises should go. Good for you.

This is one of those things too, where I can't fully get it into words, but I believe it 100% and am not likely to revert to "omg difference! ATTACK!" mentality any time soon.

pretty much what I'd say
but I'll add this


and this

and oh why not

Demilich said:
Because there's no such thing as "nature's way". Look at it like you look at religion. I see no old bearded guy up in the sky telling me what to do, so I don't believe in one. I see no indication from nature that any one way is right and the others are wrong, so I don't believe in one. Gay people don't hurt me. They only destroy society if we demonize them to the point that even seeing them kissing in public becomes a problem. Why are they "wrong" or "sick" or whatever? So they like to put penises where you don't think penises should go. Good for you.

This is one of those things too, where I can't fully get it into words, but I believe it 100% and am not likely to revert to "omg difference! ATTACK!" mentality any time soon.

Do you also believe terrorists shouldn't be demonized? So they like to kill innocent people, and put biological agents where biological agents shouldn't go. No biggy. Let's stop demonizing them and sit at the table and break bread over some friendly discussion of how well their wives decorated the dining room. God damn you're a stupid fuck! A deity isnt needed to tell you that butt fucking is not natural. It's simple science!

Yea you're going to say "terrorists kill innocent people, and gays do no harm to others." Their social degeneration could be considered as mental terrorism as far as I'm concerned.
Demilich said:
Because there's no such thing as "nature's way". Look at it like you look at religion. I see no old bearded guy up in the sky telling me what to do, so I don't believe in one. I see no indication from nature that any one way is right and the others are wrong, so I don't believe in one. Gay people don't hurt me. They only destroy society if we demonize them to the point that even seeing them kissing in public becomes a problem. Why are they "wrong" or "sick" or whatever? So they like to put penises where you don't think penises should go. Good for you.

This is one of those things too, where I can't fully get it into words, but I believe it 100% and am not likely to revert to "omg difference! ATTACK!" mentality any time soon.

q4t with one other thing... Reign in Acai... whats your stance on banging a chick in the pooper? Gugs seems to like it. Is he wrong and sick too?
Nope. Because that chicks pooper is just inches away from vagine, and feet away from delicious breasts. I only oppose it if she suffers from severe chapped asshole. In this case, use proper measures as warranted.

My point is that any man who can be aroused by the sight of a man's hairy loins, has some serious fucking issues.
Reign in Acai said:
Do you also believe terrorists shouldn't be demonized? So they like to kill innocent people, and put biological agents where biological agents shouldn't go. No biggy. Let's stop demonizing them and sit at the table and break bread over some friendly discussion of how well their wives decorated the dining room. God damn you're a stupid fuck! A deity isnt needed to tell you that butt fucking is not natural. It's simple science!

Yea you're going to say "terrorists kill innocent people, and gays do no harm to others." Their social degeneration could be considered as mental terrorism as far as I'm concerned.

no they shouldn't be demonised
its just scare tactics and propaganda that make it easy to convince a general populace that going on the offensive is the correct thing to do

its the same as dehumanizing whole peoples to sweep the collatoral damage under the carpet