OK guys, I have a suggestion: vote yay or nay


  • Total voters
lizard said:
let's say, tho, that if you don't really have anyone to nominate, you can just "pass" to the next person on the list.


EDIT: BUT JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR!!! Only one band per recommendation thread. The reason? Search capability for dedicated threads.

dedicated thread on RC = haha.
Rensei/Sadguru can be called a regular too, hopefully he doesn't upload his Sunn O))) rip-offs :loco:

[EDIT] What about Tully, should he be left off just because he doesn't really listen to music?
As long as you guys don't mind me reccomending Nokturnal Mortum, Destroyer 666 and some pinkage band thats floating my boat at the time every week, it should be fine :p

and lets leave Man As Robot out. I don't want to listen to a sample of his air conditioner
Henrik Main said:
Don't know if I can be called a regular, but I'm up for this.

What? If you're not a regular than I don't know who is.

Of course Tully is included. It's a party in here and all are invited!! (Unless you're a complete n00b because elitism > homo).
Reign in Acai said:
156 recommendations by years end. My wallet is crying.

You also forgot Man is Robot. Didn't we have a "Post here if you're a regular" thread awhile back?

I tend to consider someone a regular if they, you know, post something of worth every oh, once in a blue fucking moon. That would leave Man Is Robot out, yep.
Chromatose, Harmony Dies, Carbonized, Opeth17, Erik's Bass :) all have yet to be mentioned.

Edit Thanatopsis321

Sorry 123 (We only have room for one Thanatopsis) j.k
Reign in Acai said:
Edit Thanatopsis321

Sorry 123 (We only have room for one Thanatopsis) j.k


radiobabe ... you use her, or I will send Vinny "two fingers" Vattuoune to your house