ok, lets clear this up once and for all


Mar 22, 2007
xEdgex is a pact, a way of life. It's not something you can just turn on or off. If you've ever broken edge, you were never edge in the first place and you're the most pathetic scum on the earth. Straight edge is life, I would die for any of my xbrothersx, how many of you pathetic wasters can say the same about your so called friends? Go ahead and try and tell me I'm wrong, I deal with wasters every day at school and there's nothing you can say that they already have tried. You bring your poison around me and I'll knock that shit right out of your hand.

You think you're special because you have to live life poisoning yourself because you can't handle reality? Pathetic. Go ahead and try to defend yourself, wasters, I know I'm right. I’ve survived a hundred pits and I know how to throw my hits. It's so sad that at 15 I'm already hundreds of times more of a man than you'll ever be.

xEdgex is a pact, a way of life. It's not something you can just turn on or off. If you've ever broken edge, you were never edge in the first place and you're the most pathetic scum on the earth. Straight edge is life, I would die for any of my xbrothersx, how many of you pathetic wasters can say the same about your so called friends? Go ahead and try and tell me I'm wrong, I deal with wasters every day at school and there's nothing you can say that they already have tried. You bring your poison around me and I'll knock that shit right out of your hand.

You think you're special because you have to live life poisoning yourself because you can't handle reality? Pathetic. Go ahead and try to defend yourself, wasters, I know I'm right. I’ve survived a hundred pits and I know how to throw my hits. It's so sad that at 15 I'm already hundreds of times more of a man than you'll ever be.

Dude, you already posted this here once.
Last night I drank too much Port Beer and then wine and then champagne, on top of that, my friend Dave brought this awesome herb to the party, so yeah, I went to bed at 6 am
and was up by 9:30 with my head pounding... fun fun fun
xEdgex is a pact, a way of life. It's not something you can just turn on or off. If you've ever broken edge, you were never edge in the first place and you're the most pathetic scum on the earth. Straight edge is life, I would die for any of my xbrothersx, how many of you pathetic wasters can say the same about your so called friends? Go ahead and try and tell me I'm wrong, I deal with wasters every day at school and there's nothing you can say that they already have tried. You bring your poison around me and I'll knock that shit right out of your hand.

You think you're special because you have to live life poisoning yourself because you can't handle reality? Pathetic. Go ahead and try to defend yourself, wasters, I know I'm right. I’ve survived a hundred pits and I know how to throw my hits. It's so sad that at 15 I'm already hundreds of times more of a man than you'll ever be.
Last night I drank too much Port Beer and then wine and then champagne, on top of that, my friend Dave brought this awesome herb to the party, so yeah, I went to bed at 6 am
and was up by 9:30 with my head pounding... fun fun fun

Sound like me last New Years. And probably again this New Years... oh well.:)