OK, people......I'm sick of this shit......


Nothing ever begins.
Aug 31, 2001
on paradoxical ground
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I've always thought Nevermore to be quite a cerebral band, and their fans a little more intelligent than the regular metalhead. However, some of the posts on here are absolutely disgusting and degrading to the fans and the band. Imagine being a first-time discussionboard reader, and one of the main topics reads "Fucking Jews". That opinion will be associated with the band, and therefore has no place on a band's public forum. We're all here to support the band, not harm them.

These anti-semitic, racist, homophobic comments are immature, ignorant, and degrading. Everyone is entitled to their own views, but please don't associate those opinions with the band. Try to have a little more respect for yourselves, the band, and your fellow board members. One thing that Warrel has tried to teach us over the years is to open up your mind, and decide things for yourself. What works for you, may not work for someone else. And those comments definitely don't work for most of us here.
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hell, i agree with it! i never post anything NEGATIVE. just random rants... then there's the Fruit of the Loomis picture :lol: oh well. i do agree that half the shit here has to stop
I realize that most of these comments are made in jest, and most of the time, they're just meant to be funny. But, you have to realize how some of these thread headers must seem to an outsider. Nevermore's popularity is growing, and when a new fan comes to check them out, and sees threads like the aforementioned they will lose all respect for the band and their fans without taking the effort to see if people are joking or not. And, I can't say as I blame them. Whatever views people have towards other groups/races belong to them, but they do not belong on an official forum for a band.
Well, I read the first page of the "Fucking Jews" thread, and I realized a couple of things. One: Absolutely no one can spell Judaism. Two: The word "intelligent" is being thrown around WAY too much.
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Lord of Metal said:
Well, I read the first page of the "Fucking Jews" thread, and I realized a couple of things. One: Absolutely no one can spell Judaism. Two: The word "intelligent" is being thrown around WAY too much.
I'm smarter than your my pals ass..
"Yes, I'm smarter than your my pals ass.."

Yeah, this coming from the same person who thinks Perfect Blue is a "really long movie" when in actuality, it isn't even an hour and a half long.
Now, you ask me, "how does this prove anything about my intelligence?" Well, it doesn't prove anything, just like your comments in the "Fucking Jews" thread. You calling certain people stupid and saying "but when you reach a certain level of intelligence" does not make me think that you are intelligent, nor does it make me feel differently about what you said before hand. Of course, I understand that you are only joking, but many people will believe that you are serious and will be offended, rightfully so, and making up excuses like "I only say that to ridicule stupid people" will not change their opinion about you.
HemiGTX said:
"Try to have a little more respect for yourselves, the band, and your fellow board members."

Hey....I'd be a hypocrit if I didn't point out that I've said some things I've not been proud of.

But, I agree with you regardless of my own behavorior at times. There's the jaded, world weary few. The racists, the other "ists" the "ots", there's all kinds around here. And the ones that are supremely arrogant, more superior than you, bother me more than anything. Whether they're racists, or bigots, or sexists, or anti-this, or anti-that.

As a said, my post means nothing since I partcipated in, and thoroughly enjoyed one of the threads here about how to piss someone off. So, I'm as guilty as anyone else is.

If that post was directed at me, then I apologize. I truly don't mean to come off as thinking I'm superior or anything. I'm 31, so I guess maybe my maturity comes off as authoritative, even though I don't mean for it to. And pissing people off is one thing, but name calling and basically calling for genocide are outrageous. You never know whom you could be offending. Warrel's sister is a lesbian, and I'm sure that the homophobic comments offend him to some extent. And it's his band that we're here to support.
"If that post was directed at me, then I apologize. I truly don't mean to come off as thinking I'm superior or anything"

No, I think that was directed towards some of the people in the "Fucking Jews" thread. *cough* penguin *cough*