Ok working ENGL Savage Impulse...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Well I managed to get a grip on how to do an impulse so I recorded some tests today.

I have 2 clips. One clip recorded with the real deal and one recorded through an impulse. Guess which one?

These are raw clips. No eq or compressor whatsoever

Clip 1 : http://www.feared.se/crap/klipp-3.mp3

Clip 2 : http://www.feared.se/crap/klipp-4.mp3

For you who want to move directly to the Impulse:

It's a Space Designer Impulse since I didn't get Voxengo deconvolver to work.

Keep in mind that this is my second attempt of doing an impulse. I'm a complete rookie so don't give me any techincal questions about what settings I used. I just used the Space Designer for Logic, no settings needed.

Enjoy! :kickass:
Thanks again for that. I don't think I can load those impulse files into boogex or revalver, so I may have to pass. It's amazing how much that last 5% of tonal quality makes a difference though. The real cab version is overall quite a bit more pleasant to listen to.