Okay help needed.

Keep it in your pants. Other than that don't penetrate her with any body part in either orifice and you should be safe from being a criminal sexual predator(thats what you will be labled if you are caught doing things with her and her rents wanna press charges) and that is a stigma you DO NOT EVER WANT.
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Black Dragon said:
Keep it in your pants. Other than that don't penetrate her with any body part in either orifice and you should be safe from being a criminal sexual predator(thats what you will be labled if you are caught doing things with her and her rents wanna press charges) and that is a stigma you DO NOT EVER WANT.

Once again, I concur fully with my serpentine brother.......keep it innocent (a kiss, holding hands etc) and all will be fine - as soon as something more serious happens, you could end up with your ass lubricated with prison soap.
In short, dont.
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here's my take brother. as you know, i am a firm believer that if its a mutual decision, and there is no chance on her blabbing, then go for it, pussy is a good thing. however, if this is just a one night only type of event, keep it in your pants. i think love can be found in the most unusual of places, so thats the only reason why i would even consider doing it. maybe it was meant to be, who knows? plus, if she is enraptured in you as you are with her, the chances of you getting raped in the shower are slim to none, because even if shit goes sour in the end, the feelings of love would still be there and she would feel sad about no longer being with you. (unless you flip the fuck out on her, then prepare to be a prison bitch)
yikes, good point dreamy.

new theory, unless she lives in a place where shit like this is common, dont stick it in.

place where shit like this is common = cali, flordia, texas...etc.

still have her bring friends for me to talk to though dammit. i dont wanna look like a fuckin dolt.
I got negative rep for my comments, normally I wouldn't care, but christ man, I was being serious! Go ahead! Fuck a little girl! When YOU can't find a job b/c of it being on your criminal record and ALL of your neighbors know what you did b/c of some sexual predator laws then DON'T cry to me!

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Sequoia said:
Yeah.. Blackie's made some very good points.

I know a person it has happened too. The girls parents went nuts and would have tried to get the guy the electric chair if they could. Instead they did everything the law would allow, which include his jailtime(about 6 months with very unsympathetic men bigger than he is), addition to the states sex offender list, no matter where he moves there is an activist group that distributes flyers to all of the neighbors about him being on the state sex offenders register, has been denied one job on the basis of his conviction, and is unfairly seen as a sexual monster who rapes babies.

The girl was 16 at the time, he was 22. Her parents damaged their relationship with her by overzealously headhunting the man she cared so much for. His intentions were nothing but the best for her. Her parents were ok with it at first as they knew him from her older brother(they were friends at one pont) but insisted on things like never being over together at either person's house w/o parents being home, no late dates, checking in once in awhile on dates, ect. The rules were strict by they kept at it to avoid trouble. One day her mother emptied the trash can in this girls room and just happen to notice a used condom get stuck on the side of the can. A proverbial nuke went off in that house.

Be careful.
lotus_eater_RVD said:
plus, if she is enraptured in you as you are with her, the chances of you getting raped in the shower are slim to none, because even if shit goes sour in the end, the feelings of love would still be there and she would feel sad about no longer being with you.

Hahaha dude, you do realise when a girl says love, she doesnt ACTUALLY mean it dont ya?No matter how much they say it, after you break up you mean fuck all *click* just like that.

BUT on a less bitter note, I think yeah if there's supposed love there (dont believe a word, girls are MUCH more immature than guys, well they are here anyway) and she's mature enough to do it and so are you, then i think why not. Once again be VERY careful, just cuz i dont believe the sex laws are completely right, doesnt mean u wont get banged up for "rape by default" as i like to call it. I mean there's lots of peeps over the age limit that arent mature enough to have sex, i guess its just an average thing the government has.

Be careful and make sure it is defo right.

Oh yeah, DW is right, she'll tell all her friends cuz she just shagged a 19 year old guy for christ's sake!
Reckless said:
Well an update all my friends found out and there all trying to break us up for no reason.

Well, in my experience, the friends are usually right in these situations. Normally you're too close to the situation to see it's faults where your friends can be more objective.

And to add to the previous comments, it's the parents who will cause the problems, not neccessarily the girl. So, whatever she says, her parents would almost certainly be in a position to go for prosectution.

And shit like that sticks, guilty or not.
Iron Maiden ROCKS! said:
Hahaha dude, you do realise when a girl says love, she doesnt ACTUALLY mean it dont ya?No matter how much they say it, after you break up you mean fuck all *click* just like that.

BUT on a less bitter note, I think yeah if there's supposed love there (dont believe a word, girls are MUCH more immature than guys, well they are here anyway) and she's mature enough to do it and so are you, then i think why not. Once again be VERY careful, just cuz i dont believe the sex laws are completely right, doesnt mean u wont get banged up for "rape by default" as i like to call it. I mean there's lots of peeps over the age limit that arent mature enough to have sex, i guess its just an average thing the government has.

Be careful and make sure it is defo right.

Oh yeah, DW is right, she'll tell all her friends cuz she just shagged a 19 year old guy for christ's sake!

brother, i must admit you have made a very attractive point in the words of maturity. i once had a girl that for her age, 3 years younger than me, and i was 17 when we started it off, so she as 14, but she seemed very mature for her age...and i admit she was. her grandmother raised her very well. her mother couldn't do half, no, just COULDN'T do what her grandmother did even if she had to or face a 21 gun slaute in her face.

well, her grandmother died, and she went to live with her mother...and now she is the most immature person i know. its amazing how background can change someone. i guess thats why i am kinda a believer that maturity goes on a case to case basis...but if that case or scene changes...look out.
@Reckless: are you sure you are the 19 year old of the two of you ....?
Posting a thread like this sounds more like a 14 year old trying to be interesting. You don´t really expect serious replies from adults, do you ??