Okay help needed.

why not, Cold Gin? if i remember correctly, a community is supposed to assist its fellow members.

if you posted a problem, i'd give you advice, and i bet Reckless would too. so just give them that benefit. if i posted that i was afraid of the dark and believed there were monsters under my bed would you say something like that to me?

if you did my feelings might get hurt and i might let the monsters eat me instead of fighting them off like i do every other night...

ok now i dont know where this is going. aaaaaaaahhhhh
hey, I see your point, and I certainly don´t want to be held responsible for monsters eating you at night ...

But seriously, the question Reckless is asking is really private and nothing you share online with the world, at least not in a music forum. If I was his 14 year girl friend and found out that he broke up with me on recommendations of strange people like Black Dragon, Lotus Eater RVD, Dreamwatch, Cold Gin or whoever, I would really loose my trust in love. The other way around as well, if he fucked me just because the same guys say it´s ok ... c´mon, this guy says he is 19, he really should have more sensivity for the feelings of his girl-friend, no matter how old she is.
Wow, ain´t I romantic ???
hmmm, well you know, as crazy as that might sound to a lot of people, its also very true. you could very easily scar someone that young for life thinking that there is no such thing as love, only premeditated lust. that life in a trailor park, with all the debt and bills and arguing and pain is what reality is and it wont change. thats a good piece of insight.

but again reality steps in and presents us with the fact that 14 is not a young age for sex, or for love anymore by that fact. i look and listen to the stories and facts told by big brothers and sisters of young love in today's world that is way distorted then when i was that age only a short 5 years ago. when i was 14 i hadn't ever been in true love where someone loved me back, i knew of sex and knew that that was one goal of true love, but i didnt have sex that early in life. now a days you can walk through your local mall and pick out girls that are younger than that, talking on cell phones bragging about who they've banged and hanging out with their male friends that are all in their late teens to early 20's. thats right, i said early 20s.

i guess my point is that in spite of all the facts that have been preached (and are all good points because lets face it, nobody wants to become some old guy's shower buddy) the times have really shifted a lot...the taboo nature of young love and sex is gone, and has really became an insult to love and sex. what couple that starts dating when BOTH of them are 13-14 ends up getting married???? i cant say none, because then someone will find such a case, but to conclude, its just not something you find very often.
I think BD is right here. You need to keep it G rated. Even if she doesn't tell her parents she will tell someone. My sister's friend's mother once called our mother to inform her of a "situation." (She was dating an African American boy. How shocking!)
how can a 14 year old know if she really loves you?I dont know the girl so I can judge her, but hell 14 years old...she has a way different view on things than you, might look up to you...that ain't love, it's admiration.be friends with her and take it slooooooooooooooooow
yesferro said:
how can a 14 year old know if she really loves you?I dont know the girl so I can judge her, but hell 14 years old...she has a way different view on things than you, might look up to you...that ain't love, it's admiration.be friends with her and take it slooooooooooooooooow

This is probably the best advice you can get. Well said.