OMG Noltem EP

The logo will lose some of its visual texture if I make it darker, so I think I'll leave it as it is AND YOU WILL ALL LIKE IT OR DIE.

But seriously, thanks for the input.
^in that case don't change anything, good stuff. can't wait to get my hands on my copy :hotjump:

er and um i'm about to go mail you the moneys for hymns of the wood, i know i told you i'd do it last week but, you know
How about


Keep it like that . Perfect . A darker logo might be even better indeed :cool:
fuck the corpsepaint ... a subtle hint of a red kilt behind some branches would be better :loco:
circus_brimstone said:
:cool: I really enjoy your music! :worship: If it's cool with you, I'd rather push the Noltem interview back to coincide with the upcoming release. Btw, I'll take the review/interview for UM, and review for TMO. Don't let Opeth17 horn in! :p :loco: Btw, I still need an official copy of Hymn of the Wood.

Sure, you have all of the UM reviewing/interviewing rights for "The Falls". I really need to get my Line 6 POD before I can start, but I will have that in a month (or less)- so expect an early Autumn/late Summer release. This is, of course, assuming that I can find someone to host this album! :loco: