one last goodbye, bis?

wow. i see you've all been practicing. but still, there are more than 500 words and phrases you have to learn to be a proper greek-speaking curser... our language is so rich you see... :)
DragonLady1 said:
No, didnt hear that much yet
A really impressing livegig of a Gothband I saw was Silke Bischoff unplugged in Köln, that was really incredibly great! I dont like their sound so much on cd, but the unplugged thing was just great!

yes, i remember that unplugged thingy was played on TV, right? Silke Bischoff and De/Vision, if i remember correct. I don't like Silke Bischoff either and the gig was quite ok, though i prefered De/Vision at that live gig.
One last Goodbye...I swear it! One of the greatest songs I have ever, EVER heard. Such an emotional masterpiece....

Parisienne Moonlight is astonishingly emotional as well.

Seriously, the album that IS Judgement is a HIGH emotional listen unlike any other.
sol83 said:
yeah, i'm catching them in exactly two weeks from now. souvenirs is really good, not heavy at all though but who cares about that... monsters, broken glass and jelena are the best songs i reckon...
and the rest... :o i wanted to pick souvnirs for the compilation but its just a tiny bit too long.