One-sentence advice/knowledge thread

If you're working with real drums (or something raw like S2.0), instead of trying to get the complete sound from the closemic and having to boost 200hz and 5khz a ton, use the closemics for the mids/high mids and the room/OH mics for the lows and the highs; Means much thicker drums and less EQ which will rape you with bleed on real drums; On my snare drum, the last time I recorded it ALL I had was 5khz.

Phew, all in one sentence ;p
Don't listen to online forum rants about stuff like tuning and triggering, do whatever it takes to make it sound good to YOU.
Don't rush when tracking, an extra hour spent setting up/tracking will save you several hours during mixing.
On that note, one thing I constantly need to tell myself is: maintain perspective during editing - the tiny pop/warp-type sound/other artifact that I'll spend like 5 minutes trying to eliminate often will be completely inaudible in a mix, but I'll have mentally drained myself from doing battle with it :erk:
Replace snare hits with a rifle, the china cymbal with bombs and the kick with a sample of somebody's head getting smashed in for maximum profit.
On that note, one thing I constantly need to tell myself is: maintain perspective during editing - the tiny pop/warp-type sound/other artifact that I'll spend like 5 minutes trying to eliminate often will be completely inaudible in a mix, but I'll have mentally drained myself from doing battle with it :erk:


And beware the blue waffle
If it sounds shit without EQ and compression. Chances are, it is shit and you need to look at the source.

Dont take any notice of audio forums, make your own rules :lol:
1. Andy sneap forum > Gearslutz

Thank you All for a fucking amazing forum...

2. Common sense will get you all the way... rely on it
