One-sentence advice/knowledge thread

2. When rating someones mix you should not just mention the negatives.

I'll add to this.

2.5 When you see a thread with 0 comment but more than 25 views in the "Rate my mix" forum, be a gentleman and write at least a few words where the mix needs improvements.
I'll add to this.

2.5 When you see a thread with 0 comment but more than 25 views in the "Rate my mix" forum, be a gentleman and write at least a few words where the mix needs improvements.

your wish is my command:


nah, I'm with you. It's just that I'm not always in front of the monitors to give any more advice rather than lower the snare..bla bla..

BUT, in most cases, no replys here = better track again
your wish is my command:


nah, I'm with you. It's just that I'm not always in front of the monitors to give any more advice rather than lower the snare..bla bla..

BUT, in most cases, no replys here = better track again

Well, there you go. Comment added.

By the way, if you're not in front of your monitors, and you're listening to the mixes through some cheap earbuds, then I guess the advice would be even more valid since you're listening with the lowest common denominator "speakers". You already know what your favorite songs sound like on them.

And you got to admit... A lot of the "advices" you see on the "rate my mix" forum are in the "Man... that Lady Gaga covers is teh awesome" lineage. Great for the ego, less great for mix improvements :heh:
Well, there you go. Comment added.


By the way, if you're not in front of your monitors, and you're listening to the mixes through some cheap earbuds, then I guess the advice would be even more valid since you're listening with the lowest common denominator "speakers". You already know what your favorite songs sound like on them.

You're right, I should give more advice but I got tired of replying because I didn't get them when I posted (no, they were not that bad to re-track them again), now I'll reply in few cases :Smug::Smug:

And you got to admit... A lot of the "advices" you see on the "rate my mix" forum are in the "Man... that Lady Gaga covers is teh awesome" lineage. Great for the ego, less great for mix improvements :heh:

:lol: some complaint about the negatives, some about the positives :lol:

back on topic, another advice would be "Don't reharse without protection"

Learning is a process that involves FUCKING UP; if you don't fuck up, then you're not learning.
Good musicians are more important than good instruments which are more important than good mics, compressors, eqs and converters. :kickass:

good songs are more important than good musicians, which are more important than good instruments, which are more important than good mics, compressors, eqs and converters

good songs are more important than good musicians, which are more important than good instruments, which are more important than good mics, compressors, eqs and converters


Excessive editing is more important than good songs which are more important than good musicians, which are more important than good instruments, which are more important than good mics, compressors, eqs and converters

Excessive editing is more important than good songs which are more important than good musicians, which are more important than good instruments, which are more important than good mics, compressors, eqs and converters


Money and contacts are more important than excessive editing which is more important than good songs which are more important than good musicians, which are more important than good instruments, which are more important than good mics, compressors, eqs and converters

Certified and approved by the industry standards.

SHIT SONG + money + contacts + excessive editing + good instruments + good mics + good compressors + good eq + good converters + insert whatever you like here = SHIT SONG!