One year later...

Keeping in context with the thread,all Islamic fundamentalist extremist should be shot on site! Putting men in the line of fire may seem barbaric,but what about the situation in Russia? No compassion from Cheychan rebels who are imposing the jihad among children! Major fuck up on behalf of Mohammad wanna-be's for another free state of Islam. The rebels will never get it now!
Same goes for Palestine and Isreal should just go back to Egypt! You think after 5000 years being freed by Moses the Isrealites would have gotten their shit together,but continue the strief as their neighbor (Egypt) with the Hyskos (known in this day in age as Palestinians). The problem has always been about the nomads of the east. No land,no home,no true foundation for religion except in the belief of a mortal man named Mohammad and believing in victory is succeed by taking of the flesh. In days of old The Hyskos would generally just take (cut off) your hand or genitial for proof of victory and let you bleed to death in agony. Now' days,(some Palestinians known as Suicide bombers) they just blow you up in to little pieces for his pal to scrap you off the pavement as proof of victory. Though it probably causes a problem for the Bomber them self knowing they are the sacrificed.
Iraq is in the same position as those I've mention in the above states. Crisis after crisis and fall outs of Caliphs is a problem. No offense,but the Arabic world may be wealthy in oil and do well economically;they lack the political structure of order and authority in their society. And instead they have religion as their structure for a society. Being of the western world this would be for us to go back in time when the church ruled our societies. That wasn't a good time folks! According to history it was peripeteia to spliting up the dioceses of the church and the christian faith in its entirity to causing conflicts among monarchies and so on. It has only been in the last century that men in the western world have gotten their shit together,I don't expect the men in the middle east to do any affirmative action any time soon.

From what I remember in my last course,80% of the world is unhappy (this includes third world and undevelope countries) and 20% of the world is in the happy bracket. Out of that happy bracket is (us) the general public which makes up 16% of the 20%. The remaining 4% being coorporate and industrial giants who have billions to spend! This bracket also includes the "Trumps,McCartney and Opra's of the world". Did you know that out of that 16% of happy bracket people such as our selves aren't happy!? Why? Because the 80% is what sickens our hearts into giving what we can't afford to spend,resulting in making us sad...*sigh* And for those who can afford to give and actually can solve all of the world economical problems that the 80% of the world endures is the 4% of happy bracket people who only give 1% towards the 80% of sad bracket people. Because the so-called happy/sad bracket known as our self of people at 16% of the world population gives more than 80% to charities for the 80% of the sad/unhappy population.

Very fucked up world we have...and some of us just fuck it up more like anonymousnick2001 and Iced in Flames have done. Just as they are fuck ups to begin with,they like to fuck up threads by deterring away from the subject at hand.
Iced In Flames said:
You dont even know me.....

I'm done here.

Yes,that may be true. I don't know you,but the planets do! I can tell you what they have to say without knowing your time of birth. Interested in knowing Iced in Flames?

As for you being done,you're done like dinner. Though I think of you as nothing much,but an easy crunch;consider your self as lunch!