open your eyes


Keepin' it bonzer
Dec 29, 2005
one of my friends sent me this yesterday, and it has changed my way of thinking about many things. I find it extremely interesting, and I hope you guys will feel the same way.
I think the majority of you won't watch the whole thing, but thats cool.
fuck i have to stop at 1 hour cause i have to go now, but i will continue to watch it when i come back.
just in one hour he gave so much information to think about that my mind is blowing. many of this things that he said i already knew or shall i say heard about though to understand it this will requirer much more time and practice
one of my friends sent me this yesterday, and it has changed my way of thinking about many things. I find it extremely interesting, and I hope you guys will feel the same way.
I think the majority of you won't watch the whole thing, but thats cool.

I watched almost the entire thing.... but I think most of it is bullshit.:kickass:

He has just a few good points philosophically but most of it is just plain out pointlessness.:kickass:

I don't see why I should believe what he says.:kickass:
fuck i have to stop at 1 hour cause i have to go now, but i will continue to watch it when i come back.
just in one hour he gave so much information to think about that my mind is blowing. many of this things that he said i already knew or shall i say heard about though to understand it this will requirer much more time and practice

yea he talks about some very interesting stuff.

I'll probably watch that one moretime because my frined sent me that link at about 3am and I wasn't putting much attention to it :lol:
That's really really interesting, I've known about the ideas that conspiracies since the Crusades are controlling the world today, but this video is great and reveals actual detail into those theories. Thanks for this man.
Hmm.. By the previous posts I think it's worth watching. I don't have the time for it now though+ I'm tired as hell, I'll be sure to watch it all when I have the time.
im only 20 minutes in, but what a fucking load of bullcrap

Astrology is BULLSHIT ffs, it has NOTHING to do with our lives. Using big words and fancy pictures to convince simple minds that a randomly scattered pattern of stars that humans drew a line between and named is fucking lame.

Open your brain.
Saying all that, I really really hope this video isn't true. I really don't want to die in 4 years :lol;
Saying all that, I really really hope this video isn't true. I really don't want to die in 4 years :lol;

All sorts of conspiracy and doomsday messages are spawned by fear or psychical disorders. Cults and morons have doomed this world since the dawn of time, what are the chances some sleazy bastard with a gay haircut and a suit, a huge vocabulary and fancy pictures is right THIS time?

He keeps repeating "SUN SUN SUN" whatever he's talking about, teh sun is a giant lump of gas fusion. And thats all.
my net is fucked up, so i only watched the begingin, some more about Iraq:

in early 2000, most of the Oil that USA bought was from Venezuela, but since Hugo Chaves took over, he put the price high, knowing that USA didn't have much choice, since the Middle east Oil was also expensive.

so what Bush did? a plot to remove Hugo Chaves from the presidency, this plot can be seen at the documentary

same shit he did in Iraq, he wanted to do in Venezuela, 2 of the biggest Oil producer in the world
All sorts of conspiracy and doomsday messages are spawned by fear or psychical disorders. Cults and morons have doomed this world since the dawn of time, what are the chances some sleazy bastard with a gay haircut and a suit, a huge vocabulary and fancy pictures is right THIS time?

He keeps repeating "SUN SUN SUN" whatever he's talking about, teh sun is a giant lump of gas fusion. And thats all.

Yeah yeah yeah, I'm nowhere near believing him :lol: But it's an interesting and alternative viewpoint. And it does follow some sort of logic.

Astrology can fuck off, but that stuff about the Crusades era seems quite intriguing.
a broken one. Logic doesnt come from anywhere. If you take standpoint in a shitload of astrological and mythical stuff, this will make perfect sense.

Take standpoint in modern science(all branches, astronomy, biology, history, everything), and this will come off as a load of bullshit.